Different ways of using the RYTM

Thanks again for all of your thoughtful replies. :smile: I look forward to hearing and seeing more of what you’re all doing with the RYTM (and other cool stuff)!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fKQfM2kVhQ this is on the level. but nothing to do nwith rythm

here’s another live improv jam using the RYTM as a very basic drum machine with an electric guitar, and analog synth (Yamaha CS-15). You can hear the AR tonality change over time because one side is going into the synth>delay pedal>tube amp and the other side straight into a clean solid state amp. I play with the filter on the synth a lot, so that effects the overall tone of the RYTM quite a bit.

This is a fairly short drum pattern. I like it, but may add some more variation or another layer to the hi-hat part to make it more interesting. I would like to use this jam again, and possibly make a song out of it. It’s rather dramatic and a bit “doomy”. I hear a lot of melody in this simple, repetetive pattern.


Hi all,
here is a jam that I made using the RYTM and my Yamaha CS-15. I jammed some bass guitar over it for a disco vibe. Yes, it’s another very repetitious pattern on the AR, but I promise to post something more interesting next time. Thanks for listening and please contribute to the thread if you feel so inclined.


If I could make a suggestion. For more interaction with hand-occupying jam sessions, maybe get a midi pedal of some sort like the FCB1010 and see if you can activate different scenes from the toggles. Maybe see if there’s a way to tell the program to jump to the next program. And, though doubtful, maybe see if you can activate fills through a pedal option.

I think, if you’re able to do that, you might be better able to execute what you seem to be suggesting on this thread.

Also, if you’re looking for Elektron gear that you can kinda jam out with other instruments, maybe check out the Octatrack. Immediately you can use it as an effects processor. You can also figure how to use it as a looser. And then save those loops as samples and then get to work mangling!

Hey Ryan, thanks for the reply.

I’m mainly a guitar player, so my general approach is playing with other people in a band situation. The AR is working for me, but I have not much intention of using it beyond the simplest functions. That’s why I initially started the thread, because it seems like most people are using this box for very calculated techno music. I know that’s not entirely true, so I hope to coax out some of the people who are using different approaches.

I like your advice, and as I become more proficient on this device I am wanting more out of it myself. I am using the Scene and Perf modes now and working out variated stuff that I can perform solo with guitar, synth and AR. So there is more complex stuff to share at some point, but in todays world, I will stand by the simplest methods as being different and thus the point of the thread :slight_smile:

here is a simple jam with my modular setup and the RYTM. I am using only one track of the AR for a simple sequence. The stereo outputs are going into comparator on the ARC ANN logic module and that in conjunction with the 0-coast are creating some variations that make the one AR track more interesting. Basically the AR is playing the MI Elements with modulations and I play a melody on the ARP Odyssey. It sounds rather ehtnic in timbre and rhythm. It’s a way to use the sequencer on the RYTM without relying on midi out, which it does not have.


I had posted one like this in the mono synth rytm thread but this one is a little more refined. Im going to continue working this way to develop a live set up using only the rytm and my Keystep as part of a two piece improvisational act.


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yes, please continue

Yeah, the AR with its conditional locks, quick muting, retrigs, and pattern memory makes it the best trigger sequencer IMO.

I also like to use my AR to not only sequence but provide excitation signals to my MI Rings. The noise machine and all the extra filter and amp envelopes you get with it makes for a nice way to p-lock different exciter shapes for that resonator from the AR itself.

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I almost bought the Rings. Still might. Thanks for the reply. I like the way you’re thinking.

It’s still 20x more time consuming than using Elements’s own exciter variations, and rarely sounds quite as “correct,” so I wouldn’t worry about having made the wrong choice there if you like the sounds you’re getting out of Elements !

You have any example of inputting into the MI Rings?

hey there! this is my first post!
but i have been reading thi forum a lot and learning even more :slight_smile: ! (got a rytm)

i just found this thread and find it quite interesting, how people use theire rytm, else than “techno”.
I played drums for at least 10 years, but since 4 years im into synthesizers!

i recorded a complete improvised session with a friend (who is the drummer of our band.)
it is just us two, rytm and percusison!

percussion is recorded with an Sennheiser MD421N
(if i remember corectly with a really cheap guitar effekt on it)
both thraight into mixer - tascam interface - Ableton, for recordig and some reverb

hope you enjoy!

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Not at the moment but if I record something I’ll be sure to post here.


This is incredibly raw and alive sounding. Are you using some sort of large drum pads and sticks for this? Or just finger-drumming?

So lush sounding! Can you tell us more about how you use the keystep and rytm? I’m thinking of buying a keystep to create a little dub techno live setup. already have a rytm. i was planning on using the keystep to play a synth, maybe something like a nord lead 2x dekstop. But if you are using the keystep to play one of the rytm’s voices, and no extra synths involved, this sounds very impressive.

Yeah, it’s so much fun! All I did here was to set aside 3 of the voices for synths since the drums are minimal. On track one I use a combination of the fm kick synth and one of the provided saw waveforms and then just meet with the synth parameters and levels of the two until it sounded like a nice imperfect bass synth. Then used the sampler only on the other two voices to get the sample and hold sound and the string pad. With the keystep its easy to switch between which midi channel your sending notes to so I can just jump around between voices. Thats it really…have fun!

thanks bwax!

the percussion-part (of course) was played with sticks, on a floortom and a smaller drum.

the rytm-part is fingerdrummed and also sequenced!