Different effect settings?

just got the A4 and still going through manual but it appears as though I can’t have different effect settings per track like I can on the OT…is this correct?

it seems as though you go to the effects track and adjust all the settings there and then you can only adjust the send on tracks 1-4 for example…instead of having like a short reverb time on track 1 and a long reverb time on track 2

I will probably find the answer in the manual as I go through it but thought I would ask anyway. :slight_smile:

The FX track contains one global delay, reverb and chorus; the settings for which are fixed for all four tracks.

You can somewhat fake the chorus effect with oscillator de-tuning and LFOs, delay can also kind of be faked with LFO controlled amplitude ( think: tremolo) but reverb is pretty much impossible to mimic off the effect channel.

You can parameter lock entirely different FX settings per step. This allows some flexibility for having different FX per track (or step).

Thats right! I should be exploring this aspect of the A4 more, thanks for the reminder…

plok the send though, not the actual effect settings from what I’m seeing

I can live with this, I’m just used to being able to change the effect settings per track (like on the OT)

I need to finish reading manual but I’m having too much fun

…hooked A4 into the OT, qunexis midi in to OT set to same channel as auto channel, also same autochannel as A4, live record A4 sequences from OT

the OT is such a powerful machine, really wish I had 16 tracks to work with :slight_smile:

4 inputs long gone (used up), now my midi tracks are mostly used since I’m sequencing some other gear and drum machine I like to put on multiple tracks…an AR would be ideal but not in the budget :slight_smile:

p-locking parameters on the FX track can give you some really unreal stuff. You can then use parameter slides and trig mutes on the FX track for extra magic :+1: