Difference in sounds compared to MD

Hi all, i imagine some of you recent purchasers of the Rytm, probably have (or had) the MD too
Can anyone elaborate on the difference in sound between the two models
Specifically the kick and snare
From what ive heard it sounds pretty phat and punchy

Im into making more hiphop electro beats, wheras most of the demos are kinda techno-ish
pretty sure im going to end up buying one anyway, but need to save, and sell (unfortunately) the mD

my md is mKii but with no +DRIVE or uw? So a bit restricting, especially since i cant change project like on the OT and A4y
Still been fairly satisfied with the sounds

But been drinking a lot of beer and got severe GAS!! :slight_smile:

Snare is OK on MD.

If i have to choose a model for Kick and Snare, i go directly for the AR. because you get really fast what you want. (of course depend of kind of music)

if you need Acoustic Kick and Snare go to MD
if you need Electronic Kick and Snare go to AR

To get electronic sounds on the MD you need to layering for each Drums, so it’s take 2 or 3 machines to get what you want, but it’s possible like demonstrated the excellent Justin Valer :

I think MD is nice for all crazy stuff…

For metal things like ride etc… i go to sample because it’s never sounds natural, and i like metal natural stuff… never the same, included FM.

Hi Will, yeah i know what you mean for hi-hats and cymbals etc, its not very real,
Im not that interested in acoustic kicks , but snares could be nice
I already use quite a few different machines for my kicks and snares,
Its cool, but the performance mode is lacking, compared to OT and a4,
The advent of the AR is kinda slowing me down, i keep thinking i need this new box,
I hope they dont keep releasing new machines (physical ones)
Cos i allready got myself into debt paying for the 3 i already own!

Sure. The Analog Rytm is a very capable machine. Probably easier to use and built sounds with layering techniques… than MD.

I could probably sold my MD MKII+ and doing all with the AR… But i keep the MD to keep the SALT and the PEPPER on the Table :joy:

AR got sample -playback capabilities, so acoustic snares are easy to achieve…and any other sound that you can imagine since you just need to load it into the AR
same for the MDUW, although with more restricted memory and kinda lofi sound
anyway, the SYNTHESIS sounds are fatter in the AR, but the MD is way more diverse and can do massive kicks and snares if you tweak it enough
If I´d have to choose one today, I´d go with the AR for its sound and sequencer

I really like the FM snare on the MD, which can be abused to get all sorts of strange sound effects - wonder how that is on the AR?

i did a side by side test when i first got the AR.
Was gonna do a video but never got around to it.

Basically i programmed the same rhythm into each machine & tried to get them sounding as close as possible.
Mute the kik on each machine & I could get pretty close but as soon as the AR kik, kicked in it was game over! Its not that you can’t get bass out of the MD, you can buts its very different, the AR has so much weight its unreal!

Next i used each machines ‘unique features’ to really experiment & its here that the strengths of each machine become really apparent.
2 very similar sounding patterns were totally transformed in completely different ways with the use of Ctrl All, Ram machines, Scenes & Perf modes.

I think of the MD as an IDM machine because thats where it excels for me.
I use the AR for fat big beat stuff.
MD sampling the AR & blending back in is super cool!!!

Stop making me want both :joy: