Destiny 2 audio work

Just grabbed 2 this week. Really impressed with the soundtrack and audio/fx in this one. Anyone play this yet?


Yeah it is very good, as was Destiny 1. There’s a little vidoc on the D1 sound work that they made:


ain’t got time to spend with instruments, had a break from destiny from april up to now. the grind is real once again :slight_smile:

ah yes the reworked fx is great and so is the music. it’s gonna be a while before i disable the music this time

haha, great :smiley: wasnt trusting my eyes as i saw this thread here - on elektronauts :slight_smile: playing D2 since release as well. have a lot of fun, although the RAID was very … time consuming so far :wink:

Music is indeed amazing. They really nailed it this time. They’ve released the Soundtrack as well. Guess a Vidoc will follow shortly.

Maybe we should organise Elektron raid parties…

anyone going PC?

Nice! I figured we’d have some fans here. I’m addicted to public events. It’s all I’ve been doing after getting the kids in bed lately. On PS4 here.

I’ve been excited to get new guns just to hear how they sound. Some of them are that good.
