Desk stand for A4K to tilt back up slightly

Hi all

Just wondering if anyone has any good ideas for anything that can raise the back of the A4K when it’s on a desk so it’s a bit easier to use?

I find it a bit tricky to have to lean over to read display so ow joule like to have the back raised up a bit.

Any ideas welcome.



By a length of wood and sit it on top of that maybe? Get some non slip mats to prevent the wood/A4k slipping.

I’ve used nothing more than a simple long bar of 2cm by 2 cm wood to put an A4 and a RYTM at an angle.

Excellent and practical suggestions but these are simply not expensive enough.

I’m looking for an angle solution that costs at least 50 ukp.

Ideally more.



I used two large books equal in size.

Eadweard Muybridge’s ‘Complete Human & Animal Locomotion Vol3’ costs around £85. And you’d have to buy two of them :slight_smile:

I use a Kensington easy riser:

I have one of those Kensington things for ableton push, they’re excellent.

I’ve ended up using some foam pads which do the job.

Thanks all.

I use foam bars for angling my gear up if I need to. Cheap and easy.

look into “your setups” thread in the forum, cross search with my name, plenty of home made stands for elekrton boxes

IKea stuff:

you can Two pieces for better performance, so cheap!

I, too, use the Ikea laptop support stand and it works great!