Demo a unit in Denver?

Super interested in the Digitakt, think it’s the right move.


I have to demo things. Just who I am. I have seen the 1000000 demos. Still want tour my hands on it.

Anyone have one in Denver I can check out? Can stop by or have you to my place, what ever works best, I’ll get pizza.

But how do we know you’re not an axe wielding digitakt thief


How dare you!!

I would never wield and axe, that’s just not classy enough.

No, I carry a fencing sword


(Hope you got my sarcasm in the reply)

Hopefully, you’ll find someone in your area with one. If not, I noticed my local Guitar Center started carrying Elektron products. We also have an independent store in town (Nashville) That has pretty much all the Elektron boxes in the store. Maybe such an option exists for you. Hope so!

Denver doesn’t have an independent elektron dealer and banjo mart…guitar center didn’t have a clue what I was talking about.

I travel for work (in Orlando right now) I may try to stop in somewhere.

Sorry, trying to help

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I, for one, thought it was quite the riposte

Demoing is for suckers. Just buy the damn thing already. :upside_down_face:

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There’s always buying new and then demoing it within the return period.

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If I bought from Sweetwater etc fine, I try to shop small shops

I’d say find a Denver electronic musicians fb group and see if anyone has a Digitakt that would be open to jam and maybe let you try theirs out?

Yeah I’m in Colorado Springs they don’t know about elektron out here at GC. It’s been some used digitones at ours that’s about it.

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