Delete MD "Demo Song"?

Is there a way to delete the demo song while keeping factory kits? I use the MD in slave mode most times and when I use the default project the demo song arrangement plays when I don’t want it to. Maybe a way to even disable? Can’t find it in the manual. Thank you!

Do you really mean “song”? If you don’t, then the following may be moot.

What do you mean by “slave mode”?

If you don’t want a song to play, you could:

  • not use song mode, or
  • edit the song, or
  • delete the song.

In any case, I recommend that you DON’T use the first Snapshot for your own material because this will be written over by the factory data if you ever need to perform a Factory Reset.

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When I’m in pattern mode and the MD is slaved to my Squarp Pyrmiad for example, The MD is taken over by midi and I think the midi notes from my sequencer my be triggering different patterns. That may be why I think it’s switching to song mode because it the pattern chaining. I just want the midi clock sync. I’ve been in control options and turned off external control. Am I missing something? Thanks for your response!

So far, there’s nothing to indicate that your MD is switching to Song mode.

It could well be that the Pyramid is sending MIDI Note messages to the MD on one of the four MIDI channels that the MD typically responds to. If these Note messages coincide with the MIDI mapping of the MD (see the MAP EDITOR) then you would get pattern changes.

Probably the simplest thing to do to prevent that behaviour is to set the base channel in the MD’s GLOBAL > CONTROL > BASE CHANNEL menu to ‘–’.

If you want the MD’s patterns to play in time with the Pyramid then you should also ensure that:

  • GLOBAL > SYNC > TEMPO IN is set to “EXTERNAL”, and
  • GLOBAL > SYNC > CTRL IN is set to “ON”.

Try it out and let us know how it goes.

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Patterns, kits and songs are all 100% independent from each other. Delete any as you see fit. Even better, back up your MD first. It’s a very good habit to get into. Then delete away and know that if there is a problem you can restore.

Hey there thanks for the response. I just got back and tried this but my MD still receives midi information. Even now I am trying to use the MD as master, and it sends midi information to all my synths (sometimes real nice sounding) but unwanted. When I shut off control out, MD loses clock control over sequencer and synths. Maybe I need to change midi channels on MD?

What kind of MIDI information?

Did you actually set base channel to ‘–’?

Again, this:

Hey that totally did it. Thank you so much for the help :slight_smile:

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