Echo Freeze Delay to use?

I need a good explanation how to achive the delay control in the OT.
If I select Function + arrow down (till delay control) I get on the screen the
correct screen but I can not create any delay effects like Cenk is doing it in his videos.

Please explain how to do.


You need to turn lock on in the delay menu

The delay adds echoes to the affected signal. The special echo freeze functionality makes it possible to repeat a portion of a sound.

TIME controls the delay time of the delay loop. The actual delay time is relative to the current tempo, and it is measured in 256th notes. For instance, for a one beat delay (four 16th notes) delay time should be set to 64. By setting SYNC to off, the delay time will not be relative to the tempo.
FB controls how much of the delay output sound will be fed back into the input of the delay. Using the delay feedback you can make delays with several or infinite echoes.
VOL sets the main volume of the delay output. BASE controls the high pass filtering of the
signal from the delay feedback loop.
WDTH controls the low pass filtering of the sig- nal from the delay feedback loop, relative the BASE parameter.
SEND controls how much of the signal that will be sent to the delay.
X sets if the delay will act as a ping-pong delay or not.
TAPE sets the mode of the delay. An ON set- ting will make the delay interpolate between delay times when the TIME parameter in the DELAY MAIN page is changed. An OFF set- ting will not interpolate between the delay times when the TIME parameter is changed.
DIR sets the how much of the dry signal that will be mixed with the delay signal. A min set- ting will make only the delay signal be heard.
SYNC controls whether the delay should be tempo synced or not.
LOCK will when activated make it possible for the delay to function as repeater effect. If the FB parameter of the DELAY MAIN page is set to 127, setting SEND to 0 will repeat the con- tent of the delay buffer infinitely. Lower FB val- ues will make the buffer fade out gradually. SEND settings other than 0 deactivates the repeats. TIME controls the length of the repeats. Please note that if PASS is set to 0, VOL of the DELAY MAIN page will not affect the amplitude of the delay buffer signal.
PASS controls how the dry signal will be routed when the LOCK setting is activated. A setting of 1 will mix in dry signal, setting of 0 will make only the delay buffer be heard - which is preferable for repeater use. The vol- ume of the dry signal is controlled by DIR. When PASS is activated, the volume of the delay buffer is controlled by the VOL parame- ter of the DELAY MAIN page. When deacti- vated, VOL do not affect the buffer signal.



Can you have Delay Control on the Master Track so all the (7) tracks can get the freeze delay control at the same time? And is also the audio input signals affected too then?

I do it now with the slider, Scene A and B on the master track like shown in this video:

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You can have it also on Master Track

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How do you do the setup on the master track?

Thank you for your help, I will try this and hope to figure it out correct because I like this effect very much.

In the same way you set it on other tracks.
Can you make it on other tracks?

Hi, no it works.

Cenk gave me also the following instruction I like to share with you all:

[left][font=Times New Roman","serif]I use Track 8 as Master Track. Then go into the Delay Settings on FX2 by double tapping the FX2 button on Master Track. Then the LOCK setting should be switched to ON. When the LOCK setting is on and SEND level is set to 0, the Delay Engine will work like a beat repeat effect. You will need to set the Feedback level quite high to hear the result properly.

Now, press FUNCTION + DOWN several times to come to the Delay CTRL mode. As the Delay Engine we want to control is on Track 8, you will need to press the 16th Step which is T8. When this button is held the Delay Engine will come active and with Step buttons 1 to 8 you can select the TIME of the delay engine.[/left]


I use Track 8 as Master Track. Then go into the Delay Settings on FX2 by double tapping the FX2 button on Master Track. Then the LOCK setting should be switched to ON. When the LOCK setting is on and SEND level is set to 0, the Delay Engine will work like a beat repeat effect. You will need to set the Feedback level quite high to hear the result properly.

Now, press FUNCTION + DOWN several times to come to the Delay CTRL mode. As the Delay Engine we want to control is on Track 8, you will need to press the 16th Step which is T8. When this button is held the Delay Engine will come active and with Step buttons 1 to 8 you can select the TIME of the delay engine.


do you always use the freeze w/ the scene as demonstrated in this video?

after playing around w/ it some, it felt very touchy for how it would grab stuff. in fact it was only after using the scene mode described in that above video that i got it to work.

I made a video about echo freeze delay because I noticed a lot of the explanations or video tutorials were overly complex and/or didn’t get straight to the point.

Watch this and just pay attention to what’s on the screen. Just copy the same settings as what you see in the video. Use a master track.


Great video! Thanks. I have been struggling to get this to work. Strangely I did just as they did in all other videos but no success until with yours. Cheers.
Are there any traps for not getting it to work?
Now I am not by my OT but the Delay ctrl is a bit confusing to me. Does it work the same no matter what track is the active track? I dont have to change track to make it happen on that track right. So the delay ctrl and track choice are independent of eachother. Maye that was what confused me since almos every screen view on the octa is dependent of something else.
Anyways, thanks.

that’s right. :slight_smile: independent of active track


hello, I wonder if anyone can help. I cannot get lock setting from the delay setup page to work as described in the manual. It says that if the feedback is set to 127 and the send value to 0, the delay buffer will be repeated infinitely. However I get no delays or repeats whatsoever with lock in the 1 position and FB at 127, and send at 0, only silence.
The manual doesn’t say that this depends upon anything else, so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, any ideas anyone?

Many thanks…

set send to 1

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thank you. No that has no effect, plus the manual clearly states that any send setting other than 0 deactivates the repeats.

that’s because you haven’t let in any audio to the buffer - you’re setting a lock on the buffer with no content (then manually starving the buffer by setting send to 0) - try using a scene (or do it manually) to introduce content by moving away from 0 (then back to zero) when there’s no audio in the delay buffer - then you can go and experiment with the delay control setting by clicking Fn+DownArrow - it’s all in the manual and touched on above, try the videos


Thank you. Yes I get the principle, but that is not what it says in the manual, which was my original point, and surely it will be confusing others. Nowhere on the manual page for the Echo Freeze Delay does it say that to use lock mode you must introduce some audio into the delay buffer, it gives quite the oppostite impression.
Had we been able to have a converstation in the forum, I would have explained, when I eventually figured it out, that to get this to work you must set the send level to be something other than zero, and lock it to zero at the moment you want to apply the delay. This is if you don’t want to trigger it manually.

Again, thank you for your time and effort, but I feel strongly that this conversation should have been in the pubic form, in it’s own thread where others could find it, if nothing else, It would certainly have saved you and I some time today.


Firstly - this is the public forum - we’re absolutely in the right thread for this exact discussion

The manual isn’t great wrt the grammar, it’s clumsy - but on this point it is actually correct - it just takes a bit of effort from the reader

LOCK will when activated make it possible for
the delay to function as repeater effect. If the FB
parameter of the DELAY MAIN page is set to 127,
setting SEND to 0 will repeat the content of the
delay buffer infinitely.

It tells you the prior condition FNB must already be 127
it then tells you that setting (i.e. ing, doing something) to zero will repeat the content of the buffer
the buffer has to have content to repeat - so to lock it from further content and to have pre-existing content to repeat it’s clear that you need to set the send to zero as the key action to freeze/lock the buffer which must have content

sure the manual could generally be much better in many regards (especially grammatically), but there’s no error there, you just have to use the info given together with some general audio insights

that’s why we encourage searching before posting - there’s nothing intrinsically new in this question (nor most OT queries), the echo freeze is a nuanced feature and it’s been discussed a lot (inc videos etc)

perhaps @eangman can review this point and tweak the manual accordingly