Del! Getting down!
Awesome! I’d love to see some video of him getting down on the OT.
My good friend hit me up a few years ago on Cinco De mayo.
“Guess who’s in town?” Who?
Del. Mannn…
He had a club all up and down.
Also the night I got my first dose of
Mr. Invisible and was like, “Whaaaa??!!”
Del Is classic old school and would love to burn one with him.
This name & face throw me years ago, during begening of 90’s. I really like what he produced.
This morning, when i saw the picture, i was happy to see him with an OT, being playing. Nice to know that. Curious to hear the sound he does now with this gear.
Je suis plus étonné par la doudoune “Le Coq Sportif” ha ha!
It seems Elektron got MPC users attention with the OT (must be the fader effect ), they’ll be hooked by the AR (the pads effect)! Now imagine if they were to make a double size form factor hybrid analog/sample engine machine, with pads and fader…
And yes, I would love to see how he rocks that boat!
Oui, moi aussi je l’ai remarquée, c’est drôle.
Sorry for french intervention, but for us, see an american wearing such clothes, it’s funny.
…and here at the corporate institution bank of time we find our selves coming back… we were always coming back…
To be fair as a funky hiphop triphop and breaks maker I sold my octatrack and kept my MPC 1000, its just a much more practical hip hop & trip hop sampler. Now if only Akai woudl release a new hardware MPC with effects as good as the octa
…if only Akai woudl release a new hardware MPC with effects as good as the octa
If so, that would change a lot of things. We know that, if our (nowadays) MPC’s are only really exploitable since JJOS, they still present few way to work the samples. They are the oldfashion sample use.
The MPC surclass, with is workflow, the OT, but, the latter is a really fucking good sampler that open wide scope to creation and sound transformation.
Finaly, i really ofently use my MPC to find bases of songs, or for layering, but the final work is often done in OT.
If AKAI would realise a new and XXI’s MPC, this would change the balance.
But even Del…
@ Elenacortes : Merci je me sens moins seul! hr hr hr
+1 on Deltron 3030 > head nodling.
Still got my MPC2500 AND my OT, until I got an AR. I think it will determine if I have a use for the MPC in the future.
I have to say I’m still trying to figure out my worflow though… I like the idea of a minimum setup, an OT+AR combo would be more than enough for my needs in the Drum/sample section. The idea of keeping the MPC would be mostly to feed the OT, eventually controlling as a master sequencer in place of a DAW, and other ideas of shop-chop the Elektrons.
From my experimentations, I loved to trig patterns with the MPC from the MD-MM as they were sample loops. Working in a non destructive way and beeing able to rework the sounds/pattern of the MD-MM in the process. Didn’t explore the OT in that way yet, but it seems it’s not possible, or I missed something…
Sadly I tend to think AKAI killed the golden eggs chicken. And that is part of the motivation to keep my MPC with JJ OS. But I feel you, I love my MPC and understand the love for these machines, if they were to refresh the concept, I would probably lust for it.
Well I finger drum live with bands and most of the time when I practice electronica songs in my studio I never use the sequencer onthe MPC at all really. The octa isnt really an easy option for live finger drumming but I hope the AR will be better (though the pads are a little too small for my liking maybe I)ll hook up my MPC to trigger the pads I also have a maschine mk 1 but don’t like taking a computer with me when I jam or do band practice.
Also regarding layering, yes. I put at least 2 layers on each pad on the mpc 1000 sometimes 4 layers with 2 of the layers just being tape hiss or vinyl crackle (I have entire directories on the MPC just full of hiss and background noise tones) or 4 slightly different hi hat samples switched by velocity, its an awesome machine for depth of sound in that way, I actually wish the AR would allow more than 1 sample layer per pad.
Love the new Deltron album, Automator is one of the best hiphop producers period. I’d like to hear what Del comes up with with the OT.