Dataline's Syntakt Experience

MrDataline, great to see and hear your take and your (as always) stellar performance on yet another Elektron instrument. This one is a definite “buy” from me, just like your lovely Digitone work.

Fair point about a lot of the Syntakt being repackaged stuff from other Elektron devices.

But for me, not owning those particular sound source devices (M:C, MD, AR, etc) where Syntakt draws from, it’s all fresh, in a sequencer workflow I’m already used to.

If I had a M:C and/or an AR, or like you, had mastered every Elektron and its ways, I imagine the Syntact could disappoint in this regard.

As it stands though, I feel like I’m getting the “Captain’s Platter” sampler plate from a menu of Elektrons I don’t have, when all I had originally wished for was a few analog voices in a Digi format to round out my DT/DN pair.

Again, not disagreeing with you at all, just pointing out that even if Syntakt is kind of a remix, it’s mostly all new and fresh to me.


I want to echo the desire for a 2nd filter on the Analog machines please! A digital band filter on those machines just like the digital ones would really open this thing up for me!

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Honestly I doubt this is physically possible if it has the same architecture as the AR - there’s no digital part in the signal flow after the analog voice where this could be implemented, the signal flow is all analog so you can’t just add a new filter in firmware. I guess your only option is using the analog FX block as a high pass filter on those tracks.


That makes sense…probably would have added it already if it were feasible. Darn. FX block is a nice potential work-around though, for single-track recordings.

Yeah, it’s a bit of a shame… but on the other hand Elektron devices are really pretty flexible for what they are and the restrictions are pretty much never deal breakers :slight_smile:

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really - any synth/sampler is gonna benefit in a huge way by having a MIDI knob box or other control surface hooked up… unless it already has a knob-per-function interface (which is rare)

for example, having the Rytm ‘performance’ macros mapped out to knobs (instead of using the velocity sensing of the pads) allows you to use them simultaneously with the ‘scenes’ on the pads… which unlocks a whole other level of performance

so yeh, id say all devices benefit - especially elektrons since they have good MIDI mapping/settings/io and all that


@Dataline thank you for sharing your performance and your thoughts. I can say that I missed your input, presence and energy dearly on this release.

I hope Elektron will give you your money back for that Syntakt, your video probably sells a lot more units than their marketing will :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Keep keeping on brother!



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I already thought about a 2nd Faderfox EC4, having a small label config is just brilliant.

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Awesome video!

As some previous posters, I think the Syntakt is more for people who don’t own many other Elektron devices.

For myself, having owned nearly all at one time or another (MD’s, an MnM, mk 1:s and Digis) but sold all except for my OT mk 1 to finance other gear, the Syntakt seems like a great substitute as I’m not realistically going to buy up all the other Elektrons again.


Very nice, it hadn’t occurred to me that you could midi map the performance macros - I like that you can map one to the quick perf knob on mk2 but having more on knobs will be awesome! Thanks

Excellent work per usual! And I wholeheartedly agree, when Elektron were hyping up a new box with ‘New sounds from a new place’ I was ready to pre-order assuming it was a new Elektron synth or drum machine but as soon as I realized it’s mostly just the same engines from gear I already own I was majorly disappointed and have no intentions of getting one. It’s a shame because Elektron’s ability to motivate me to pre-order their gear has completely disintegrated. They still make cool stuff thus far but at this point I’m no longer holding my breath for a worthy successor to the mighty Machinedrum or Monomachine. Seems like they really turned to a new direction that’s not aligned with the way I think anymore. It’s unfortunate.
But either way always good to hear your work


The filter would be “behind” the sample easing layering.

But surely you could only filter the sample and not the analog part? As I understand it, on the AR the analog sound goes all the way from source to output without going through any digital stages (except a ADC for the send effects and USB out)

I understand Cenk inputs, and this is why I wasn’t that hyped when the product were released, I already heard all these different sounds engines, more or less.

The positive thing is that I always wanted a model:cycles and and a rytm, as I don’t particulary enjoy working with samples with the DT, and the syntakt is a compact versions of these differents drum machines

It would pair nicely with my DK and A4, those are pure beasts

I’ll wait some months and see if it’s really a good gear to get into my workflow (or some years, as I only buy 2nd hand haha)


That’s not true, there is an ADC for each analog voice – the effect sends and Overbridge wouldn’t be possible otherwise.

Depending on the rest of the structure it could be really tricky to add a filter however, not to mention the processing power needed for 4 additional filters etc. But I think the main thing holding this back is that there is probably a desire to keep the analog sound purely analog.


Yea actually I guess you are right! I’d been assuming that wouldn’t work because the effects are send rather than insert, but I guess actually internally it could probably mute the analog output of a voice but keep the digital version of it (make it work like an insert).

I never cared much for ‘innovation’ or novelty. Refinement and curation towards playability and a proper instrument experience is my priority and fortunately Syntakt is exactly that. People sometimes forget that the history of electronic instruments is relatively short and still needs refinement. If i played viola i wouldn’t be clamoring for someone to reinvent it every few years. Such a strange fixation to me


Yes, of course!

Very well said – this is how I feel as well.

I have a Nord A1, and I love it. It is fairly limited, but it feels like a self contained instrument that is fast, intuitive, and sounds great.

I waffled back and forth between the A1 and the Lead 4, and I have no regrets. Ergonomics and workflows make or break instruments, imo. It has taken me many years to really settle into this realization.