Darkbox, performed last weekend at the HiFi Brisbane

Hey guys. Played my third gig last weekend and had a load of fun. Here’s a video!

The Octatracks performed well and filled the place with bass. Alongside them was a Korg Kaoss Pad Quad, Kaossilator Pro, R3 (not used in this track), and it was all mixed on a Behringer NOX 606 mixer.

The OT’s are split into Drums (master) and Instruments (slave). They contain multiple sliced wavs of loops and one-shots rendered in FL Studio.

For this track the scenes I had set up were double time drum fills (every pattern contains them and the crossfader transitions between normal drums and fills when I please), Bass highpass filter (with some other instruments filtered also), distortion/pitch shifting on the instruments and drums. The hihats pitching down on this scene made a neat turntable scratching sound which is SO fun to play with!

All in all loads of fun and I’m starting to get more creative with scenes and how to interact with all the elements of my tracks.

I hope you enjoy, and I’m happy to discuss details if anyone is interested :slight_smile:

Cheers, Elektronauts!

awesome! fantastic track and yeah, the backdrop and lighting were well done. glad you had good audience response, i’d have danced :slight_smile:

them’s some fine performance ideas so thanks for the peek into your creative process :+1: on that note, could you say a bit more about the midi sidechaining you mention in the video comments? i assume the kick from the perc OT was sending the signal to an lfo on the melody OT’s master track, or something like that?

Thank you, happy you enjoyed it!

So the sidechaining is exactly as you describe, except I have it controlling individual tracks. This gives me choice, and it’s how I do things in DAW production mode too.
A lead might get effected less than the bass if I want it to shine through for example.

Funny, putting it on the master never occurred to me - but that might work really well for certain tracks.

An interesting side effect of one midi device controlling the levels of another is it makes mixing the levels difficult.

Originally I wanted to maintain the function of the Level knob (as it’s a dedicated function and on the front panel), so I midi controlled the AMP level setting.
This was a disaster, because every time I went to select a scene AMP would be assigned to a side of the crossfader!

So now I sidechain the Level and use AMP to control levels. It gets difficult if a song ever has p-locked fade-ins using AMP. If I change the overall level of the track I then have to edit p-lock data. Blarg. I guess I could set levels over midi on the drum OT, but that just doesn’t feel right…

Still, it works pretty well and is worth the extra effort as is now!