Dark Souls 2

Bought it yesterday, fair to say I wont be making any music for a while now!

me too.today level30 ,killed 3 boss.

Sigh I’m waiting for the PC release next month. Over 400 hours I invested in DS 1 and ready to do it in DS2.

It’s hard to organise our time with the great quantity of things to do (only speaking about pleasant ones).

Maybe this intrusion in an another world for few days, will be benefit for your musical practice. Sometimes it’s good to put our focus on other activities.

Maybe, after, you’ll be happy to give us some dark souds inovations :wink:

I dont know, for me the first played boring, never got into it. Second one looks the same… I prefer strong story driven stuff like last of us, gta, beyond 2 souls.

But yea, gaming does get in the way of music making :slight_smile:

i’m still losing creative time on skyrim. call me traditional i guess…

I just googled ‘dark souls’… thank you Nedavine…NOT! :wink:

This looks epic, hopefully a lot of rain and sick days ahead!


I want to do some new tunes this year to send to my boss Steve and the label because they’ve been going 10 years now and have stuck by me. Hopefully by the end of most years I have done some tunes that are decent enough to release. but Dark Souls 2 is on the horizon soon so I’m not sure if I will have many new tunes for a while because I need to play that game a lot.

I also started yesterday. It’s my first Souls game, so I had a pretty rough start. But after a while I got a hang of it and really enjoy it. It’s as intense as it gets. Kinda like the good old days of gaming.

Also, I usually don’t like cut scenes or too much story. Just a simple task that is hard to master. This game is perfect for that and I feel stupid for skipping the first part.

It took a while for the game to click with me. I think I started playing it three or four times, always stopping after a couple of hours. Then one time I played it just a little bit longer and I was completely hooked.

But yeah, I’m waiting for the PC release of the sequel, so I’ll catch up with you all in April. For some reason I started replaying the first one last night…

I played the first and had a blast, though, I had no girlfriend/wife, full-time job, or a child. Boy, how do times change.

Occasional vid game playing for me, but primarily I use my free time to create music. Oh, how I miss the days of being bored.

I think there’s something special in the repetition of Demon/Dark Souls. I visited those locations so many times, exploring every inch of them, that they became almost real to me. I’d not had that relationship to a virtual world in years.

I like narrative games such The Last Of Us too, but the sense of place I get in Dark Souls is equal to it as a rich gaming experience.

I think there’s an analogy between the way DS forces you to play in a certain way… and Elektron boxes. Once you click with them you can head down that rabbit hole! :wink:

I’m so happy that the only gaming I do these days is getting whooped in NHL 14 and NBA 2K14 by my son once a month. Those days of gaming obsessively till 3am are over (and have been ever since I bought a Kaossilator in 2008 and hence started a new obsession).


witcher 3!

I took last Friday off and spent all weekend playing got to “level 100” (levels don’t mean jack) and put about 35 hours into it so far. I’m really loving how they managed the servers this time around I feel like I’m not waiting nearly as long as i did to get summoned into other peoples games to help fight bosses.

So far only invaded once, killed the person and get a sweet mask out of it (has horns and is an animal skull, provides a buff to the amt of souls you get per kill).

Right now I’m hanging out near Huntsmans Corps helping people fight bosses and getting summoned to help people that joined the way of the blue that got invaded.

Feel like a superhero. I can see my self probably doubling the hours I put into Dark Souls simply because the server stuff works better.

Remember that this is a multiplayer game, so don’t worry about “asking for help” if you’re stuck in an area, you can revert to human and touch a summon sign.
Or you can use a Soapstone, leave a sign and be summoned to another world, to get acquinted with the area, gain souls and sometimes regaining your humanity.

I’m way of the blue as well, like I was in the Brotherhood of The Sun in the previous one.
But I’m still only at the Last Bastille…

Completed it this morning. My life can finally resume. PHEW!

So it’s fun to play as well, and not just incredibly frustrating? I want to try it, but don’t quite get the hype from just watching the videos, but I guess I should try it before I judge. :slight_smile: