Dark/Plate Reverb [undocumented?] Preview feature

Hi all…i dont know if this appeared here or around already…anyway:

I noticed how the Reverbs with MIXF has a sort of preview happening like if you unmute for an istant then mute back a full level send.

Pratically speaking:

in the Fx2Setup page the MIXF has 2 step: Mix and Send.

Switching from Mix to Send results in a reverberation of the sound that was playing at the moment of switching.
If you switch back from Send to Mix the reverb sound gets gated istantly.

The sound of the reverberation depends from the values set in the Fx2Parameters page.

So if you switch MIXF you get an instant sound of how the reverb is set.
You can do this with the MIX knob but with hysteresis.
With MIXF is like: only the kick gets reverberated so i hear how it would sound. If i want to hear how the reverb will sound on the snare i just have to switch Mix>Send during the snare moment.

Furthermore i had a nice moment using the MIXF in Mix mode.
Then the Mix parameter modulated by an LFO.
Playing around with these settings on a 4/4 loop:

• Mix @ 0
• LFO depth @ max
• LFO shape @ ITRI
• LFO mult @ 16x
• LFO trig @ sync trig (or whatever preferred)

Will result in some sidechain-on-the-reverb type of effect.
Sure this has already been covered…but just a shy-share =)
