CV to modular basic setup

So I am attempting to plunge into the modular world! At the moment the only thing I could afford is an extremely basic setup:

  1. An Intellijel µVCA VCA
  2. A Make Noise DPO
  3. A Make Noise MMG filter

I am trying to figure out the basics still, so please forgive the ignorance :wink:
I assigned CV1 to 1V and connect it to the 1V/Oct input of the DPO
Assigned CV2 to Gate and plugged the cable to the CV input of the VCA
One oscillator output from DPO to IN of the VCA
Set VCA to exponential with full CV control

I can hear the sequnce pitched fine.
I can’t however make a simple envelope. My thought would be that if I assigned the envelope DST to CV2 value it should do it, but I can’t figure it out.
Anyone has any idea?
Should I use a second VCA for the gate? How would I patch it?


i don’t own any of those so…

for the classic synth thing you send a gate to an envelope and an envelope to a vca.

gate to vca will make the vca put out signal as long as the gate is on. you can get nice tremolo or gating effects lol, but lfos usually work better for that. if your vca has multiple cv inputs you could try sending a gate and an envelope too.

you want an envelope from the a4?

i don’t have the a4 in front of me, but on the a4 you could set the cv type to a constant, but variable value, value lin they call it? that is set at 0 and then use an envelope to modulate the value for the duration of the envelope. if the cv is set to to use the cv track active steps will trigger the envelope.

you could send a gate or gates to your filter and then send that into the vca too.

Thank you!
I had figured it out in the meantime, but your answer was spot on. Value/LIN was indeed what did the trick :wink: