CV BUG? Envelopes

Talking about using the A4 with modular the other day, it got me thinking, why I don’t send the two envelopes CV out to my modular? I usually send note/pitch, clocks, trigs, gates and even the two LFO’s… but never the envelopes. According to ‘Elektron Analog Four: CV Output Tips -’, there was a bug in version in OS 10.5, affecting Env 2. Has that not been sorted out yet? And what about the first envelope, Env1?

According to the manual, it should be possible to send the 2 envelopes from the CV track, using Value LIN. I tried last night, with an oscilloscope, but I did not seem to have any luck. Also, how are the envelopes supposed to be triggered, if they are sent to Value LIN? I tried putting some trigs in the CV Track, pressing the keys… I tried with the Depth of the destination to maximum, Value Lin to maximum, Value LIN configured with different ranges… I don’t seem to be getting anything. Is there something I’m missing?

i’m not sure what you’re missing, but hang in there, it does work i can assure you, remember you can enable and disable trigging of each env and lfo on a trig basis in the note menu - make sure your destinations are correct in the env and lfo menus i.e. ‘CV A:Value’ etc, set Value Lin value low to begin with (not the range, keep that 0-5v for starters) - be sure to explore the different env shapes and keep them snappy to begin with so you can ‘hear’ it, no need for an oscilloscope yet !

just re-read your post - you do NOT want Value Lin set at Maximum, unless you elect to send -ve modulation amounts to envelopes, you’ve already set Max voltage !

Thanks! I’m sure I tried different parameters for the Value LIN, just ended up leaving it at maximum to see if I could get anything at all. I’ll check the note menu tonight, to see what I got selected there. I know the LFO’s have modes (Free, hold, retrig and so on), but I have no problems with the LFO’s. I got them free running at the moment. Will try again those envelopes tonight.

Can you confirm that both, Env1 and Env2 work as CV outs?

If you have set Value Lin to Max, you will get no voltage variation unless you apply negative modulation amounts, you’ll get lucky with some lfo shapes but the wave will be truncated - leave the Value Lin at 64 (ie 2.5V in the default case) and everything will work (both modulation ways), you’ll see that everything works (as clearly mentioned in your link too) when you try it for yourself !

all lfos and envs are default on per trig, that menu allows you to toggle some off, you can also simply trig the two envs using the mini keys to get things set up, keep it simple and modulate one destination at a time initially to set the depths - i presume you’re cabled up correctly and that’s not an issue, there’s a tonne of threads on that just in case

Thanks. That makes sense. And I think you’re right too about the note menu. I just forgot to check last night, in part because I assumed it was obvious that the envelopes were going to be triggered if I entered trigs in the CV track (as you say, they should be as default, I don’t remember changing that, but I’ll check). I understand there might be times that I might want not to trig an envelope or an LFO for a particular trig. Thanks again for your help… and my apologies to Elektron for thinking there might be a bug in such an amazing machine. :joy:

Yes, both envelopes are working fine through Value Lin. The problem was not that I had turned them off in the note menu, but that I had turned Value Lin all the way. When I had it halfway, around 64, I probably had the sustain quite high, I don’t know, but I couldn’t see any change in the oscilloscope. With the Value Lin at zero, the envelopes become very obvious. I was just trying very quickly last night, before going to bed, didn’t bothered even applying to a VCA and listening. Thanks again for your help understanding what was going on.

This is true the envelopes work fine. Are you guys having any luck with release though? My Lin values just drop at note off even with release turned up. Is this a bug?

No issues for me. Choose env shape wisely to keep it simple

No problem with the release here either.

Ok thanks for the feedback. I will experiment more tomorrow