Cutoph - live-set OT+MNM - 23 mins


this set is called “sounds with no meaning” and was composed and recorded in like 2 hours, just for fun.

the title says it all and don’t expect anything else, this sounds don’t go anywhere! Sometimes it looks like “oh is this a buildup?” but Nope! These tracks are so dulll it hurts!
Still, I like them :slight_smile: you can embrace this meaninglessness and actually enjoy it, maybe, maybe not…
Btw, I think you can say this set has 4 different tracks.

MNM doing all the synths, the OT is there for some FX and most percussion sounds; and then straight to recorder!

Thanks for listening!

PS: Btw, sorry I don’t contribute much to the forum nowadays, but I still can’t get used to this new forum layout.

nice morning tune :slight_smile:

very good

Nice chill set, Jo!

Good stuff man, the MNM sounds great!

I enjoyed this while sitting in the sun outside :wink: