I dunno maybe it’s too dangerous to let us update the demo file, but it’d be nice to utilize this memory. Save our favorite banks, parts, audio files and machine settings to get at anytime, while working in any other set? Yes, please.
I am not sure it will give you extra memory…
the firmware has to be stored somewhere. so i am sure there is writable memory on the octatrack… and i think the demo-files are stored there to… not sure how much space they got for the firmware + demo-files … but lets say for argument purposes this is just a few megabytes… not gigabytes… lets say its 64megabyte. (but i think its less)
that be just a few loops, and if you would even get the abillity to save loops and stuff, it will overflow very easily…
so will it be usefull… hmm not really unless :
if we could update it via computer, just readonly and just a few megabytes… u could make a project with very small samples and tiny bits and create an “EMERGENCY SET” … in case of shit, but your ot still boots… take out card… and boot it into “emergency / demo mode” bwehehehe… i think it will be the only electronic instrument in the world with such a function
so hmm i dont think i want to poo-poo your idea… just seems “impractically small” for being usefull (except as emergency set)