Current sounds coming from your gear (Part 1)

Polivoks into Quadraverb, into OT (for flanger and compression) then through AH for some High Gain fun.


Sub 37… created a nice little riff looping the Amp and Filter envelopes. Using the culture culture and some Ableton FX :v:t4:

very very good

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Added a Digitone to my setup and I was having fun last night using the voice stealing as a feature - once the arp comes in it takes on this super cool glitchy sample flavour that feels right at home with the Digitakt!


…Buchla Easel V (Arturia)


Thank you @selfup! :pray:

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I wish I could make cool af dark mad huge sounds like you guys but it’s just not in my fingers/veins : (

No slight on the ST but think I spent too much time exclusively on it the past months, totally undervalued how fooking warm and lovely the DT is, I’ve said this before but I can’t believe stuff like these boxes actually exists, it feels like cheating…


gorgeous sounds

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this has a lovely vibe, is that some vocals in the fade at the end?

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Tides as master modulator for the Subharmonicon pitch inputs, pretty crazy remixing potential, gotta remember this patch- individual oscillator outs through Jumble Henge for subtle filtering and then through the A4 for a touch of reverb but the only sounds here are coming from the Subharmonicon


OT slicing up something from the 0-Coast + 707. Slightly out of tune :upside_down_face:

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This needs a proper soundsystem!

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Ta. Yeah haha. I left some on from previous track (I’ve never start tracks from scratch, just mod the last one I was working on), went to play some extra melody on the DT which I thought was a synth sample but with all the tracks of the 3digis just lost my place… turns out was some vocal sample, kept it in, sloppiness counts…

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experimenting with compression. DT, Deepmind, Blofeld. Boum.


Short generative piece. Pizza (drone), Brenso (tenor), Paradox (soprano) driven by SIG; Quad Drum (thumps and klonks) driven by Euclidean Circles. It’ll probably be rare for me to work with four voices, but I thought I’d try it. I push a couple of sliders on Pizza slightly at one point, and turn a Brenso knob once, but otherwise it’s just mutes and faders.


This is not at all the usual type of music I make, but I was messing around with my Microfreak plugged into my MPC One and I ended up in some really interesting territory. Thoughts?


AWESOME!!! :blue_heart:

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Thanks a lot ! These devices are pure joy…

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