Cue up multiple mutes using function and tempo button

Just came across this by accident yesterday and wasn’t sure if people were aware.

I’m sure most people know that you can hold the function button while on the mute page to select multiple tracks and mute/unmute them simultaneously when letting go of the function button.

However doing so makes you unable to do anything else on the rytm. While holding on to the function button you can’t switch pages or change parameters and by letting go of the function button you initiate the mute/unmute action.

Here the tempo button comes in as the surprising hero. While holding function and selecting the mute/unmute tracks (which go blue), press the tempo button once and then let go of the function button. The tracks that are cue’d up for mute/unmute will now keep glowing blue and you are free to navigate around the rytm again changing sound parameters or adjusting the scene.

Then when you go back to the mute page and you press the function button again it will actually execute the cue’d up mute/unmute action.

This enables some pretty neat performance opportunities not possible with regular muting/function-muting!

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BEAUTIFUL find. That was limiting my workflow something awful.

Great find. How is this not in the manual? Or is it?

Another hin: I’ve been using scenes with the Amp of several pads turned down to 0 to achieve multiple mutes…

I think group muting/unmuting (function + MUTE) is one of the few “standards” across Elektron gear - very useful!

wow! that is amazing :astonished:

Sorry, stopped reading before the tempo part - yes this is indeed a great find!

this ‘handy bug’ has been discussed on here many months ago, it’s not related to new os folks

Handy bug, indeed. I must have missed the discussion as I would have been all over it. It’s fantastic.

In addition, (and maybe this was covered as well), you can continue to mute and unmute tracks as normal while the mutes are “prepped”. Just the prepped pads will remain blue.


Hey guys,
does anyone know how to do that on the Rytm MKll?
it does not seem to work on the way described above. I would be very happy if someone could help me because the manual could not help me any further.
best regards

probably because they fixed the oversight/bug - i’d be surprised if it still worked on the Mk1

I just found out that you have a similar behavior when you press the TRK button instead of the tempo button. That brings you into the save kit menu but after you get out of it by pressing NO it behaves as described. Maybe that’s some kind of workaround.

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You can string up a chain of the same pattern and put song mutes (function+chain, function+song) on the last copy to have some time to play around… I guess you’d have to exit chain mode when you get to the mute version or the chain would repeat with the unmuted versions…

yes, why not? only a pity that one then loses something of the immediate flexibility. actually I could make an official feature request for it or not? :thinking:
Cue Mutes … a great thing.

I can confirm this works on the Analog Rytm MK2 using holding TRK instead of TEMPO and then pressing NO to get out of the Save Kit screen. Still seems like a bug to me, but potentially useful as mentioned.