CUE send tapping point

This is gonna be a reminder and a asking for what you guys think about this:

Even if most of you nerdy boys are aware of this thing im gonna write about…it is important (at least for me… i spent a bit of time to figure it out) to know where the CUE send gets tapped from the signal flow.

It gets tapped PRE-Trk-Level // POST-Amp-Volume.

So…this brings a particular situation where the tapping of the Cue would need more considerations in order to have options…

Imagine a Scene A-B where you volume-crossfade between two tracks or more.

If you use XLEV then you will have Fx tails lowered/cutted off while fading on the other side.
If you use XVOL to keep delays - cathedrals reverberation etc…then, when you are on the other side, you won’t be able to Cue listen that track anymore.

I really would like to have the option to choose for a PRE-Amp-Volume tapping of the Cue send.

Any thoughts?