Cue Outputs and Master Track

Can the Cue outputs be routed through the master track setting on track 8 so you can use the effects or do they get sent out through an alterative output, dry? Thank you!!


The cue outs are “dry” (just reflecting the sum of the signals you are sending to it) and aren’t influenced by any master track settings.


Not internally no. But you can send the cue outputs back in through the DIR inputs, if track 8 is master, then the DIR inputs will run through master track effects. Its covered in the manual.

Thank you very much. I couldn’t find any info about the cue tracks being dry or wet, I must have missed it, thank you very much!

Don’t think about the cue outs as a kind of track because it isn’t. It’s an additional mixer bus (with its own stereo output) you can send the resulting audio from one or more audio tracks to.