Cue metronome for drummer


Just got my Octatrack one week ago and i’m trying to learn as fast as i can. Playing bass on an Alternative Rock band want to use the OT sending the metronome to the drummer.

Is possible to cue the metronome and the mix out together or just the metronome?

Also like to know if more people around here is using the OT in a similar situation.

I’ve drummed in this kind of scenario, but before I got my Octatrack.

My preferred method is to not just have a click or metronome. I prefer to have a very simple drum pattern in there to work around. Possibly with audible clues as to where a group of bars resolve - especially important for breakdowns.

I’d be tempted to set up loops for the drummer’s headphones and send it out one of the output pairs.

Of course, that’s just my preference.


Yeah its possible, you can give the headphone out to the drummer, you can also have metronome count in for record mode and assign how many bars count in it has.

Hello everyone,
Guys, I’ve started to use OT with my live band and our drummer prefer to hear click only without other stuff. Is it possible to send metronome’s click to phone out without tracks sounds?

In Mixer page, you can set headphones to Cue only, with the Level knob.


Thank you very much! :thup:
I completely forgot about this setting in the Mixer menu!


Guys, I have new question. Is it possible to send metronome to phone out only (not to cue)! I want to send metronome to drummer via phone out and in the same time send selected tracks to external reverb via cue out. But now metronome goes to phone and cue out simultaneously. Please help. :slight_smile:

From headphones you’ll only have the mix betweem Main and Cue.
Maybe you can pan things in order to have 2 different Cue outs :
Left = metronome from a track
Right = reverd send

In order to save tracks you can have 2 pan mono signals on 1 track.

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Your best bet might be to get a Boss Dr. Beat with midi in. Send a midi out from the OT to the metronome and you’re set. It would be a bit of money but then at least your drummer would be able to setup his click in a number of ways and he could use the headphone out of the metronome!

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Use a click sample on one of the tracks cue it out

Thanks for your replies, guys.
Unfortunately, Simon from Elektron confirmed that it isn’t possible to have metronome click on phone out and don’t have it on CUE out:

Phone/Cue is essentially the same output, so it is not possible to have the metronome on only the phones output.