I’ve been fiddling with an experiment, but i got stuck… maybe someone here has a nice idea on how to improve it, or a workaround…?
my idea is to use the cue output in studio mode, hardwired to input c-d to a thru channel as a send fx… but the scenes does not seem to work for the cue level… making it not as useful for live purposes, which was the intention… maybe it is just a simple feature request, or maybe i overlooked something?
would be nice if it worked as i am trying to create some uniformity thoughout my banks, so stuff feels more seemless…
If it’s just an ON/OFF switch you need for the cues, you could lock the Input on the Thru channel to the Scene. In other words, Scene A can have Input “-” and Scene B can be set to Input “C D”. Obviously, this would affect all Tracks being cued… so probably not much help.
what i mean is that in studio mode which you access in project->control->audio you can activate cue output as studio mode, where each channel has its one individual level for the cue outputs, by hitting the cue button, and using the level knob at the same time… the problem is that i can’t get this to work with the scenes… thanks for the input though
ahh okay. i get what you mean now… i misread.
that is one way to go about it…
a bit less flexible though…
scenes to cue output is definitely on my wishlist now
If you don’t mind a MIDI loopback (physical connection of OUT to IN), then CUE level is p-lockable via CC#47 from a midi track of your choice. Being p-locks, these will work by pattern, and are not assignable to scenes. Still, if I understand correctly what you’re trying to do, it’ll definitely get you there.
good suggestion… for programming certainly some interesting things can come of out of that… i guess the easiest replacement for scenes is a midicontroller, although it’s never quite the same once you’ve gotten used to working with scene’s on the OT. and portability is again starting to become an issue…
i wonder how long a midi chain you can have before you start noticing some latency, if you can’t do it directly from in to out in the OT (i recently lost my midi-splitter)
thanks for the inputs
Right. Yes, a controller is definitely more hands-on. I really try to keep my rig minimal - so on that note, bear with me on another daft suggestion. It’s from the euro forum so I’m not taking any credit for it.
Basically, what you’d do is to swap the roles of the CUE and the MAIN outs. Then you can rock XVOL as your send, CUE as your (static) track volume, and AMP/VOL as a lockable/fade-able gain stage. That way you can still use the scenes workflow but hopefully get the flex you need.
excellent workaround! now to practice muting using the cue button instead of function, and not using the quick-mutes… reeducate that muscle-memory…
gonna try this tomorrow. thanks!
I just had the idea this morning that I reroute things that
Main left goes to mixer 1 left
Cue left goes to mixer 1 right
Main right goes to effect chain left (eventually mixer 2 left)
Cue right goes to effect chain right (eventually mixer 2 right)
This way balance becomes a glorified effect dry/wet knob, which is scene lockable… You can still balance in studio mode with main/cue output volume. Setting actual volume becomes more complicated… On the bright side this way I am forced to think more about balance (and avoid become mostly centered).
This workaround sounds fine for a “mono” output as you are using both left outputs for the mixer and both right for the effect chain. So any panning previously worked on a loop (in case you are using one) kind of dissapear, right?
I am testing if just using FX1 “DJ Equalizer” or AMP can be used to control the level of a track that outputs to the QUE out, with a Scene, and that does seem to work in studio mode.