Cuckoo on Analog Keys vs Dataline on Analog Rytm

I think this is the sort of thing many of us have been waiting for :wink:

Yesss! Thumbs up, head bang! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The goods!

So sick! canā€™t wait any longer, when can we pre order this.

Ok, whenā€™s the CuckooLine tour happening? Come on!!

Elektron sequencers - Too Tight for MIDI Syncā„¢


This is real ā€œelectronic music liveā€ !

And imagine, they played every hour a new live jam during the 4 days of Messe !!!

This is such a fun demo to watch. My GAS for AK/AR is getting strong, the Rytm is seriously vying to replace my Tempestā€¦ Still need to hear more though, I do have a strange and irrational love of the Tempest, it would be hard to part with it.

hmā€¦ nice, butā€¦ and i get that itā€™s a product demoā€¦ but the jams look/sound a bit forced in a weird way, imoā€¦

the bystanders captured by cam give it some strange twist.
e.g., the couple in the 2nd video @ 0m 15s is comicalā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I feel this way about all the demos Iā€™ve seen from every product.
It feels like this is not the music they would normally make, they are trying to make something universally agreeable, making it sound bland in the end.

Donā€™t see what all the fuss is aboutā€¦ The A4/K has sounds online. This is more about those guys than the products to me. Yawn.
Like the other recent demo, its good that we get to hear a kick and a snare but then its p lock madnes on a cowbell and a load of reverb. Please just give us some plain rytm sounds rather than a performance, without any talking eitherā€¦ Please. Whatā€™s the problem with that?

These videos are kinda making me cringe nowā€¦ No actualy they are making me cringe.

I like the AR part (nice punchy sounds) but the cuckoo tunes are very annoying :slight_smile: He can do betterā€¦

I agree! I donā€™t dislike what I hear its just time for something a little more focused I thinkā€¦ :+1:

Think Minimalā€¦

I disagree. I think Datalineā€™s style tends to be more minimal and grid based, Cuckoo brings some funk and soul to it. Itā€™s a good combination IMHO. A programming whiz like Dataline combined with more of a keyboard player guy like Cuckoo is a really good match.
Iā€™d like to see them do another set when they donā€™t have so much background noise to contend with and can focus more. And Iā€™d like to see both machines running through an Octatrack with Dataline at the helm to bring the whole thing together. And maybe even a microphone for Cuckoo. :slight_smile:
Most Elektron demos you hear seem very minimal and glitchy, itā€™s nice to see something with a bit more funk to it. I think it was well done by both guys!

I havenā€™t heard anything minimal. the opposite to me. Glitchy maybe. Havenā€™t really heard a simple 4/4 rytm either. funk and soul is great n all but thatā€™s user not the gear. Sorry if Iā€™m missing the point tho :smiley:

lighten up a bit, they are improvisationsā€¦ nobody is pressing these to vinyl theyā€™re here to demonstrate that the AR/AK complement each other well and can be used by musicians with different styles.

Whether you think itā€™s ā€œgoodā€ or ā€œbadā€ is another discussion. But for two instruments that have barely seen the light of day, be a bit more patient and there will surely be someone out there sharing some music that fit your conventions of ā€œgoodā€ :kiss:

Personally, from about 3:45 onwards it gets really groovy and I think it sounds great (second video)

Exactly! +1

Only just caught the second oneā€¦ Some good rytm sounds in it. They sure look like there having fun and I suppose thatā€™s the point here!! Hope thatā€™s light hearted enough. :slight_smile:

I disagree. I think Datalineā€™s style tends to be more minimal and grid based, Cuckoo brings some funk and soul to it. Itā€™s a good combination IMHO. A programming whiz like Dataline combined with more of a keyboard player guy like Cuckoo is a really good match.
Iā€™d like to see them do another set when they donā€™t have so much background noise to contend with and can focus more. And Iā€™d like to see both machines running through an Octatrack with Dataline at the helm to bring the whole thing together. And maybe even a microphone for Cuckoo. :slight_smile:
Most Elektron demos you hear seem very minimal and glitchy, itā€™s nice to see something with a bit more funk to it. I think it was well done by both guys![/quote]
Yeah its nice to finally see someing different than the usual glitch. Most of the time i really like cuckoos improvisations but this one was way too random for me. Felt like random button bashing. But hey good to see weā€™re not all the same and glad other people did like it!

Part 3 of 8 is up.

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