Cuckoo first rytm video

Hello, here’s just a touch of how the Rytm could be used in a more straight song environment. This is pretty basic. Deeper stuff to follow :slight_smile:


the coloring looks different (angle?), but are you in mute mode w/ the ar?

Yeah Man!
Good Rhythm! Original Style!

Hey, Cuckoo, are you Swedish? I noticed your flawless pronunciation of the Swedish word “rytm”. :slight_smile:

Nice tune, too. Thanks for uploading!

Sounds a lot like Howard Jones! Very nice.

Yes I’m from Sverige, Norrköping :slight_smile:

Thanks for the comments. I was like fxxxxk, I need to leave the studio in 10 minutes, and I still haven’t started filming!! I’m glad it worked out! I hope to do more challenging Rytm only stuff in the coming weeks. I think I’m probably better when just operating one machine, he he.

Great improvisation style,


Nice to hear how lovely the word Rytm sounds when said properly. :slight_smile: Great playing mate. That piano is awesome btw, what kind is it?