Kit menu.
Edit, scroll down to CTR machines then choose CTR-AL.
CTR_8P is there too!
You can hold function then tweak params to achieve the same results as CTR-AL! The big advantage of using a dedicated track is that you can have all kinds of crazy P Lok combos & if you have the track muted, then unmute for a brief second it’ll grab the last lock, hours of fun
It’s kind of like macros but all tracks are affected unlike a macro where you choose which tracks & param are affected.
If you lengthen DEC for eg, you lengthen it on all tracks, (or increase whatever param replaces DEC on each Track).
Unlike macros you can have 64 different p.locked step combinations in a pattern & as mentioned, using mute to select each of them takes you to ‘happy accident’ land!
Just tried this out, and man…what a fresh tweaking method and new sonic possibilities this brings to the table. I was about to sell this unit out! I was missing a lot under the hood capabilities in here. Once again, thank you for your help!
No offense, but you should really study the manual. These basic features (and much more) are all explained there. Just imagine what else you’re missing It would suck to sell your unit, only to later learn that it could do much more than you knew.
I’ve actually red the manual.
Im pretty aware of all the main functions.
Stuff like clearing a p-lock is something I KNOW that is there in the manual and it takes 10 secs to achieve that knowledge.
(I actually ask this BASIC stuff in here for 1 main reason;
Whenever you ask this basic stuff, someone with greater knowledge adds a little step up on a specific task and that won’t be available in the Manual.
The ctr-al machines was indeed something I’ve skipped. It’s in the Appendix Section so never thought of it as a VITAL function for me.
Somehow I clearly need to spend more time reading the manual. I take no offense
The Appenixes in all Elektron-manual are mostly something really juicy to deal with,just because they bring you infos on what actually Machines/Fx/etc… do