Crossfader Transitions Trick?

Hey guys,

I am trying to get the cross fader transition trick to work on my OT. However, I am having one difficulty:

Is it possible to make the sample from the transition track (the track recording the main output) keep playing when I change pattern? Right now the sample stops immediately when I change the pattern. I would like it to keep playing, so I could make a new pattern or paste the old one before fading back.

The only way I know, is to remove the recorder trig before changing pattern, but that’s kind of annoying, and I don’t understand why that helps.

Best regards,
Nikolaj de Haan

if you slice a recorder, it remembers the slices, what ever you record in it…
I bet the same go for the loop propperties :wink:

so set your transition-recorder to loop the recording… and after you trigger it once
it will play until the end of time / invasion of the spacelords or a powerfailure.

if i am wrong… i am sorry :wink: … a possible thing that might kill your joy…
wasnt there some setup option where you muted tracks when jumping pattern.
just to prevent loops from running to eternity… and well. if your part changes the sampleslot to something to difrent. it might cut out… but not to sure of that

but i check the loop-option… in my gameplan i just trigger the stuff i need in each pattern… so i didnt come up to your “problem” yet… but hmm well u get the picture.
