Creating drums like this?

In case it helps, on Rytm the Bass Drum Sharp and Closed Hihat have oscillator reset and filter reset (sound settings menu) is available for any sound… No amp reset but can be obtained by plocking amp settings and making sure amp is closed before the next trig…


Been there, not really working.
At least in my case the filter (or the ping, not sure anymore, it was some time ago) is not consistent enough to make it happen.
And it gets really messy when you do faster triggers and overlap notes.

I say, just use samples.

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‘Flip’ is a way of getting a sync sound.
It’s not actually sync as one oscillator makes the core of the other osc flip direction.

So let’s assume a triangle wave core.
When the ‘flip’ is triggered by the other osc, the triangle will just change the direction in which it was moving. If it was near the top and moving upwards, it will now go downwards, but it won’t reset to zero. It will go downwards from the point it was before.

This triangle is then used to generate the other waveforms of that oscillator.
And these waveforms will seem to restart at a frequency related to the flip frequency.
But they do not restart at exactly the time the flip is triggered. They are only restarted when the flipped triangle reaches zero by itself.

It’s a bit difficult to explain but the effect is that this is not going to work for getting consistent starts. For this you would need the triangle to reset to zero instead of just changing direction.

But it will still produce a sync sound when fed with a normal oscillator.

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hehe, the inconsistent nature of ‘sync’ which is dependent upon the fundamental design of analog oscillators is part why most of my modular oscs (and the ones I use most often) are digital :joy:

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haha this is all way above my level, appreciate it nonetheless. Cheers guys!

Lots of whats going on Sounds like FM…? Hypnotic track!