Creating a Middle Eastern Sample Library for use in Octatrack

Hello Guys,

My music Partner and I are creating some content to be used with the Octatrack. We’re trying to Gage if anyone on this forum is, or would be interested in Middle Eastern Percussion. Samples used in demos can be heard using the following links!


Cool tracks. I might be interested in something like this - in general I like packs of interesting percussion sounds.

I like what these guys are doing. Inexpensive sample packs of specific sounds (e.g., their most recent “raw muffled snares” pack) are appealing to me. I’m much more likely to grab something for $10-20 than a more comprehensive library.

I don’t have the OT. But I am a sample pack buyer and I plan to get the OT one day soon.

Can you tell me what exactly would be different about an OT sample pack than say a bunch of .wav files from another library that I could load on to the OT myself?



Hello amrod

Thanks for sharing the link. I’m planning a future release of a found Sound, and Metal percussion sample library. If there are more interested parties, I might push the release to the near future.

Hello Aiyn Zahev,

Basically the Octatrack format is to simply unpack/ unzip the entire loop Library into your CF card, and all the samples will auto-load, and effect parameters are set to the X fader.

We can always make loops available individually as Wav Aiff files.

my 2 cents: anyone making packs for the OT should include sample chains.

Also, koorosh, I will consider buying your sample pack if you also provide an Octatrack set featuring 1 project, 16 patterns and 4 parts, and 16 scenes per part - this is the standard established by the Sound Packs officially sold by Elektron.