"could not verify sample 3 times" error

I found Transfer using Wayback machine. Unfortunately the windows version was not available anymore.
Elektron_Transfer_1.2.2.9_macOS.zip (3.2 MB)


Windows version from my download folder:

Elektron_Transfer_1.2.2.9_win.zip (3.6 MB)

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Thanks 1000 times

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just had this same issue.

was due to having a $ in my folder name on the rytm. illegal character during the transfer i guess. works after changing it to an S instead. was driving me crazy.


I’m having a similar issue with the same error message.

I tracked it down to having a single sample with ‘0’ in the title instead of ‘o’. The file is reading as a directory instead of a sample when I view the RAM, every sample has MB next to it except this reads as (d).

It won’t let me delete or rename it. But it’s still in a project sample pool and playing correctly.

Does anyone have any ideas? I already tried using an older version of transfer (1.2) as suggested. It’s preventing me from backing up my projects.
