Copying patterns

i’m curious if there is a simple way to copy a pattern that was made with the sequencer length set to 32 within the same pattern to extend it to 64? i did some unquantized recordings of drums and it’s not easy to reproduce with the step sequencer.

if you extend the sequencer length, the previously sequenced material will automatically copy itself. so if it’s 16 -> 32, it will be the same 16 step pattern twice; or 32 steps -> 64 will be the same 32 step pattern twice.

Is there a setting to do this? I thought that was how it worked, but that’s not the case for me right now :frowning: im not sure why…~ Ive tried copying and pasting into a new pattern and then extending the seq length but that doesnt work either

Or just use the Copy Page function if it doesn’t do it automatically.

  • In Record mode, select the Page via [Scale Setup]
  • Hold [Scale Setup] + [Rec/Copy] to copy the page
  • Hold [Scale Setup] + [Stop/Paste] to paste the page

there is a setting for this, to restore this functionality follow these steps- Project (function+mixer) -> System -> Personalize (scroll down) -> Dis. Page Autocopy -> NO [unchecked]

thanks. my setting was correct but there was a random trigger on the 4th page of a track i wasnt even using which prevented it from copying properly.

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