Copy perf settings?

hi there,
is it possible to copy the perf definitions from one part to another? pressing perf + copy and perf + paste doesnt work’ although the display says something like copy page perf / paste page perf.

so’ is there a way to accomplish this?

thanks and chers,

hmm, i’m fairly new at this, but i agree, it gives all the right signs, but doesn’t copy performance settings between patterns, unless there’s something conceptual i’m missing !

There is. Highllight the perf in PERF CONFIGURE list (Function + Perf), and then Function+ REC / PLAY / STOP to copy / clear / paste.

EDIT oh wait… you mean between patterns? That I haven’t tried.

thanks for the reply. i’ll check if your suggestion works.

the suggestion works, but is for copying performance settings between knobs (not too handy if you leave it at that!) - the copying between patterns could be useful, the screen indicates it is doing it, but it doesn’t materialise ?!

so maybe a bug?

i agree, but i’m a newbie and it might be a conceptual misunderstanding !
on a related note … it was driving me nuts when i was undoing a track clear (and the screen was actually echoing [Undo Clear] … but wasn’t ! … it turns out you have to undo the clear before the end of the page of trigs (tricky if you clear near the end of a 16 trig pattern!) - in this instance i’d prefer it if the screen did NOT echo [undo clear] when it hadn’t - gets confusing - might be better still if the undo command lasted beyond the end of the pattern too !

thanks :slight_smile: i was always wondering why undo didn’t work…

copying single settings (e.g. Knob A from one Pattern to another patterns Knob) does work. this helps a bit :slight_smile:

ok, got it. if you go to perf setup and than press copy / paste it works for the whole perf settings

indeed, good spot, but … , that is for the whole setup, whilst that is probably most useful, it doesn’t explain how to copy a page between patterns, when the whole setup is copied it echoes [Copy Perf Setup] but when you’re looking at a page (say knobs) it will echo [Copy Perf Page] and even [Paste Perf Page] when you paste in another pattern, but it doesn’t ! Hmmm