Controlling OT Via Midi

I can’t tell if it will suit you concerning the send request.
You have to send CC61 value 0 to OT, on an audio track midi channel (1-8 by defauft) or Auto Channel.

did you manage to make it work? I’m looking for a similar solution so I can map the volume and specific FX parameters via midi.

I was planning to use some mapper (laptop or hardware) and use my Xone K2, but if I can hook a PBF4 and a EN16 that would be a better setup.

Welcome @rmnsrt.
You can write @io to send a notification to them. Or quote (select a text portion, clic on “quote”)

This is doable with most of midi controllers sending control changes midi messages. If you also want to update values with a send request, it depends in your controller.

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Hi, nope did not get it the way I needed. Did try a LOT but nothing worked…

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