Controlling OT Via Midi

Is anyone using the novation circuit as a midi controller for the OT?
I’ve ended up with one and have no interest in its synth/sample/groovebox capabilities, but am in the market for an OT controller

Pretty sure the Circuit won’t match OT (without midi processors!).

I was thinking about a Launchpad Pro
Incredible possibilities, but I don’t think it’s easy to program.
I think I saw something almost perfect for me today :
Much bigger, but with a step sequencer, plocks, names for CCs, 2 midi outs, arp, apparently easy / logical interface…
I don’t know I they did something smaller.



Nope, 49 and 61 is all.
I should be a bit late tomorrow. Just to say.


About that, I did work on something (with the Launchpad Pro) a while back. I’ll have more time this month to work on it. And we should think about what feature would be really interested. I mean for now the best OT controller is the OT.

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Is there a good M4L device where I can send particular CC values along with a note trigger message? So I can, in Ableton, be able to play slices via midi?

I don’t use M4L nor Ableton, but all you need is to send crossfader’s CC48 and a sample trigger note. Assign slices to crossfader in OT. If you want to record slices, use CC17 additionally.
CC17, CC48, note (C2-G2, C5-C7)

Triggering slices with midi notes?


Sweet! That’s probably what I’m looking for!

Thank you @sezare56

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Ah! Looks like that device isn’t available anymore. Perhaps I’ll have to poke around in Max just to make sure hat I can trigger the cc to send when I hit the note

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Does anyone know how to control octatrack via midi novation circuit ? In particularly sending just clock to octatrack on channel 1.

Welcome to the forum!

I assume that you have been able to connect the MIDI Out port of the Circuit (using the Novation MIDI adaptor) to the MIDI In port of the OT.

You can make the Circuit send MIDI clock messages using Pad 32 in the Settings View: it should be brightly lit.

The OT will receive MIDI clock if you activate CLOCK RECEIVE in the PROJECTS > MIDI > SYNC menu. No channel setting is required.

If you want the OT to begin playing when you press Play on the Circuit, you also need to activate TRANSPORT RECEIVE in the same menu on the OT.


Thank you !! great all is working after I disabled audio cc in and note in via control setting on OT. :slight_smile:

Trying to understand how to map cc to control track level 1-8 and cue level 1-8. Anyone?

From the manual -


So you would use CC 07 and channel set to whatever track you want to control, I think by default it’s MIDI channels 1-8 for the corresponding tracks but you can change those if you like in the OT’s settings.

If you look through the rest of the available mappings in the manual you’ll find other CCs you can use like the cue level.

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So another thing regarding this:
In Ableton there is “value scaling” which makes my endless rotary (EN16 Intech) to pick up the value where I left it last. It just adds or subtracts from the selected position in Ableton. I want to use the EN16 in the same way in OT since every pattern has a unique volume position and when I change pattern I want the device to pick up where the value was left.
My question is this: does OT send midi values externally to a midicontroller the way Ableton does?

There is a CC resquest midi message : CC61 (iirc)
Send that message on an audio track midi channel.
It sends back all audio tracks CC values.

Audio tracks channels have to be different from midi tracks, otherwise nothing is sent.


I don’t know Ableton nor your midi controller. Could you elaborate on what would you expect ?

Ok, I´m being a bit unclear:) Thanks for taking your time.
It’s like this. I want to use a EN16 controller ( and control volume/CUE in a set with several patterns. Since volume differs from pattern to pattern in the OT I want the EN16 to be able to pick up different volume settings when moving between patterns. In Ableton you can use “value scaling” to make the EN16 pick up volume regardless where you put the volume slider.

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Ok thanks for precisions.
So you’d like OT to send some CC values to update EN16 value and avoid jumps.

I think the best way would be with the send request I mentioned above (CC 61 you have to send to OT).
Not practical.

Another possibility would be to set and send same values with midi tracks. Boring.