Controlling different tracks in OB in FL

Broke out OB a bit today as I hadn’t taken a look at it in a while. I have the audio routing down fine, but I can’t figure out how to get the OB VST to play different tracks on the Digitone. It always plays track one. Are people just using MIDI OUT channels in the channel rack to control the other three tracks on >

2 things are possible…for each make sure to set the DN to receive midi over USB…

  1. Using the OB plugin…In the OB plugin FL wrapper go to the wrapper settings and create a midi port number. Say port 70. Then yes create 3 more midi channels (2 to 4)…and asign the same port number…This will give you note control over the other tracks. Benifit of this way is that tracks are in sync. However DN won’t record the note in using this method.

  2. Method 2 is to open the midi settings and asign a port number to the DN seperate to the OB plugin. Say port 71…do not send sync or clock let OB take care of that. Then create 4 FL midi channels and assign them to the port (71)…Benefit of this method is that the DN will record the midi data this way. But disadvantages are that it will be out of sync. But you can bump the FL midi timing in the plugin settings until it’s in sync. My system its a 75% offset on the FL midi settings page.

It is the better way, I wish he DN would alow recording of MIDI data through OB.

Let me know if you get hanging notes listed on other threads here.

Coolio. Thanks. Figured that was the case.

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