Control Sub Phatty via Midi


it is possible to send different midi step sequences from the AR to the Sub Phatty ?

I am thinking about joining the Elektron “world”.
If you have an advice for me if I should take the A4 or AR feel free to tell me!

Actually I am using Abelton with some VST Plugins (Omnisphere & Arturia), the Sub Phatty and the Clavia Nord Drum I.

Neither the AR or A4 send MIDI sequencer data. The A4, however, has CV/Gate outputs that allow you to sequence voltage controlled gear. So, if your Sub Phatty has CV/Gate inputs (which I believe it does), then the A4 would partner with it better than the AR if you would like to use it for sequencing.

No, the AR has no Midi seq out, only Sync out to Start another Drum machine in Time. The A4 has full Midi out and CV out.
But the only true Seq. Weapon is the Octatrack

This should clarify

Btw the A4 has exactly 4 CV outs. So ideal in this case.

oh ok… i thought the A4 has full out

Ok, thanks.
Too bad, that the AR can not send midi out.

Do you think that ELEKTRON will give this option with a new update for the AR ? Is there anything in work ?

The A4 seems to be a good partner for the Sub via CV, as well can the A4 do drums/percussion too.

What are you thinking about the qualtiy of the A4 drums ?

A4 is great for drums, and you can really stretch it out when using the ‘multi map’ mode. In this mode you can assign a patch to a key on the keyboard, essentially giving you a 128 voice drum kit. But you are still limited in the number of those voices that can play at the same time depending on how you set up your polyphony (it can be from 1-4 voices at a time). So even though you have 128 available voices, only 1-4 of them can be played at once. You can really dial in some amazing drums because you have much deeper control of synthesis on the A4 over the AR, but you lose in polyphony what you gain in control.

Thanks panelist for your information.
I will listen to the Druma Soundbank for the A4.
So the A4 is the best for a multi function way . . .

thanks for the feedback !