Hi, i’ve got the Analog Four already. I’m using it with Ableton via usb and main outputs to my soundscard’s inputs. Basically the way i produce is that, i jam on my machines for a while and i record the stuff that i like to finally work manually on Ableton. I’m thinking of just pluging the machinedrum to the tm-1 to send midi to ableton and just record separately. But is there a better way to do it?
I would run analog4 to computer via usb (does that work right now?), then use the soundcard inputs for the md, since it doesn’t transmit any other way.
Finally, you could record the midi off the md but it wont record p-locks and really is just if you really think you want to save that information, but not necessary.
MD main outs in to A4 input then into DAW / soundcard … unless you have 4 inputs on your soundcard, then I would run these all individually in, for better after mixing possibilities …
midi, never used the midi out from MD for anything in my DAW / ableton
I like to use a small Allen & Heath mixer, from which I take the dedicated Record buss into my audio interface for Live.
From the mixer, I can then monitor both A4 and MD as I like, but I can also direct either/both instruments to the recording outs at any time to capture my clips. I like working this way because I feel rooted in the machines - not the computer, just as I do in performance settings. I can leave everything set & just jam away if I so choose, no laptop in sight. When I wish to catch an idea, I can easily drop it into Live.
Hey guys, thanks for the replies! I’ve got a few inputs on my soundcard so i will run them individually. Btw i never use the tm 1 before. I use only one midi cable IN from the MD to the Tm 1 and them usb to my computer. Do i need an other cable out of the MD? i mean all i want it’s to pretty much synch the MD to Ableton and works fine like that.
I have always (read: every time) had better luck just setting the tempos to match on the MD and the DAW and not worrying about any electronic sync.
Just requires you get your own timing down or maybe re-align waves in the daw later.
Cuts out a lot of bullshit.