Looks like you’ve just made the best drum machine in the world. Again.
congrats indeed, but i think you’re forgetting something
Thanks! We bow humbly!
What I want to know is will I easily be able to hook up my MPD to this so I can have proper sized pads?
How does it feel smashing all competition again, and product release after product release making the best in-class electronic instruments?
Well done Elektron! Big congrats!
Excited as always…
This really completes the product palette of elektron. With the AR pretty all synthesis options/fields are covered which means you can even more focus on elektron only setups. Personally I was getting tired of always (re-)learning different OS, workflows (e.g. Tempest, Electribes). Really prefer when all my devices share the same approaches
All hail the new king of synths!
Next is a flagship Analog 8 keys
You had my curiosity, but now you have my money.
Don’t bother having Namm this year, I’ve made my decision. Elektron you played the hype just right and stole the thunder from anyone else.
the Analog Trinity is complete?
congratulations guys. I am so so so very excited.
The Analog Trinity will be complete when they release the 4-Track. 4 analog tapes with looping, time stretching and mangling abilities.
modular machine!!! next
pretty please
I think the conclusion of best drummachine in the world is a bit premature.
Personally I want to:
a. Hear how it sounds, a 1 minute video isn’t enough to judge the machines sonic capabilities (although the A4 is very capable of producing very good drumsounds).
b. Discover what sample support means. Does it mean I can layer a sample on top of each analog voice…or is it a analog osc OR sample?
c. What will it cost?
The recipe for something great is there but some of the details that are uknown at this moment in time will decide if it’s just good or great.
without those…the new generation would be less smiling
Do you imagine a children-able Elektron sequencer triggered by those yellow pads?!
The Analog Trinity will be complete when they release the 4-Track. 4 analog tapes with looping, time stretching and mangling abilities. ;)[/quote]
I was literally just coming here to tongue-in-cheek post something like that lol. An ‘analog octatrack’ if you will.