Compact flash slot broken?

Hello people, I think that my compact flash extractor (the little button near the slot used to extract the compact flash) is broken. This morning I pulled out the card but when I put it back the extractor no longer goes back in the original position and now is always out. If I press it, the card doesn’t come out. Do you think that I broke it?

reviving this thread as I am also in the same boat! isnt having much effect on anything except i have to reset the time and mount my sets on bootup occasionally. Anyone have anyone else resolve this problem?

Could be poor pin contacts / dirty pins.


Could be your battery. Have you booted into test mode yet?

I have not and will do next. the battery seems to be okay. the ejection button for the octatrack is totally broken though, that i can confirm

Ah, yes that would be a situation for Elektron support to advise and resolve, then. Good luck!