Coming soon

given the Just… in the video title which has been used for the small form factor devices Digitakt and Digitone and the battery in the video it might be a portable Sidstaton with a small form factor. The Sidstation was released in 1998

edit: typo

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aye ! :white_check_mark:

Simon, could I get an Octatrack please if I guess this correctly? :smiley: :smiley:


happy days indeed, OB sorta out and those pesky flags are gone :content:

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I am beginning to think Castor might have been correct. A Digidrum with granular synthesis, a small form factor and portability (battery). As well as Overbridge

edit: last sentence and grammar

It’s a metaphor.

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That’s probably a smart decision.

(It’s not going to be a DT2- that would negate an opportunity for outreach from another angle. If they make a Not DT2 then they’ll be able to sell the DT and the XX)

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Was that the one that had the video with the car in it and things and everyone was convinced we were getting a battery powered OP1 type thing? That was a good one too.

I liked the Rytm though just because the music they picked to go with the iced box with lights flashing didn’t make you think of an analogue drum machine at all. From memory, I think they used a lot of samples and things. The guesses were just as bonkers as this time around and then there was just a huge wow factor when the Rytm was revealed.

are those videos with the corresponding devices archived somewhere?

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It was. That one was terrible. What started out as excitement begin to drift into an irritable limbo.

But, because of that, I have an Elektronauts-exclusive meme of “before long”- to act as an ominous omen when people ask “when” something’s going to happen :smiley:


I though Analogue Keys 2 due to Alex Kid but think it’s MDUWmk3 in DT/DN/HT format.
I’m skint.

I wish that Korg, Elektron, TE and whoever the damn else has new exciting gear coming out could co-ordinate their pre tradeshow teasers to arrive within a few minutes of each other, this would make prioritising the spend easier :smile:


I have a strong feeling that it is some sort of drum machine…KICK, SNARE…the “Dice” symbol (Maybe for random pattern generation?). At least, i hope it’s a drum machine. :ecstatic:

And i think the “hint” from Simon isn’t one, just some random Unicode characters.

The logo sixth down on the left looks like a 4 track sequencer no?

Reminds me of Time and Timbre by Skinnerbox


More like scale in 909, 808, etc. I think.



“Overbridge for Sidstation, please please please please please please” Just covering all the bases. :joy:

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That is a visual guide to quarter notes, triplets, 8th’s and 8th triplet. A very similar thing is on the graphics on my Tr-8s.

Sorry, my keyboard is really weird today. I’ve been told to not divulge more information so…