I used to have a electron machinedrum UW MK1 and a monomachine MK1 along with a lot of other gear. A little over a year ago I sold everything to have more time with the kids and take them on a nice Disneyland vacation. I found the electronic music mindset is still there and have decided to make music once again. I just ordered the RYTM today and cant wait. I am going to stick to this one machine for quite a while and realize its full potential. If everything goes well maybe add a A4 and call it good. good to be back. I used to be on the old forums with the same name.
Welcome back aboard RYTM is all kinds of crazy fun. Crazy, awesome so phat your face will explode fun
i have thought about simply confining myself to it. especially w/ sample support you can make a wide_ range of music with it.
the restrictions are enough to keep you productive but open enough to keep the possibilities full of the possible.
best. the ar is wonderful.
AR seems like it’s fully capable of being a 1 machine setup.
Don’t be shy with letting your kids into your music life. I let mine four/five year old do what he wants when he wants… it is actually really good for their mental development. while you ask a musician what 2+2 is they might say 5 music is very mathematical and forces the creative side of the brain to work with a mathematical side.
I have my son one my OT, and my AR. he like the Nord Drum cause it has stick he can use… but your love for music is good for you kids and together you can enjoy something which you make, not disneyland!
yeah if you find the need the A4 gives you a place to call it quits. Spoiled as I am, if I had to reduce it would be AR and A4 with a sprinkle of OP-1
Hoping to get my kids going at a really young age with my gear too… But I’m only 25 and not planning on having any for a long long time… With samples if you add a bunch of instrument hits you def can do a one box set by playing melodies chromatically. Very fun! I’ve been making multiple bar samples with 5+ samples that I can just change the start end time for this purpose w/o having to use up too many available sample slots. Eg. Could do a sample with 5 different horn or guitar strums and change start end time so it’s like a multi sampled instrument
Welcome back to music!
I think you made a fine choice by selecting the AR as your piece of gear to work with for awhile. I am enjoying mine immensely and the depth/potential of this machine is quite inspiring.
I am not going to say the AR is the only piece of gear that I would own as I REALLY love my modular BUT I am going to build a live set centered around the AR. I don’t need to drag around my modular when I can load my own samples/loops of it into the AR.
I am so glad the AR is pretty much what I had hoped. I am sure that you can take your time and get really creative with it and exploit it to it’s full potential and be quite a happy camper too.
Thanks guys. I pretty much mastered the MD and MONO since I owned both for about 8 years. I expect the AR will be mastered with time. The wait is already killing me though