Clock Send Won't Stay Active?

Hello Elektronauts,

I am trying to have my Analog Four send out clock to a delay pedal so that they will stay synced. I go into Global Settings/Midi Config/Midi Sync and activate Clock Send and everything works great however the setting won’t stick. When I create a new project the Clock Send has been deactivated again. Looking through the manual I thought hmmmm maybe I need to save this as a Global Slot but there is no way to do so - in fact Global Slots seem useless… is that correct? I want to have the Analog Four Clock Send always active when I fire up a new project.

Anybody else have this issue?


The Globals are part of the active Project so are not above the Project level.

I think the A4/AK defaults to clock receive when new projects are created.

You could make a template project and then always load that when starting a new project. Then just do a save as to a new location.

tsv - Thanks again for your help! Yes, you are right, what I was looking for is a ‘template’ to start from where everything is set up the way I want it (Midi Send/Receive, Aux Input Levels, CV Settings Etc.) as I am so used to working from a ‘default template’ in Ableton. I have followed your advice and created a project which is all setup the way I want and have locked/write protected it. Is there an easy way to move it to the top of the projects list?

Would love to hear what your general workflow is on the A4. Do you start from a ‘template’ project? Do you save alot of kits or mostly save ‘sounds’ and ‘projects’?

Thanks much for your time - very much appreciated!

Cool I’m glad that works for you.

Just load the top project and then save it to an empty location and then overwrite it’s top position with your template. I don’t know of a faster way.

I usually use one project per song. Yes and I like to work from a template. Saving kits is the most critical part since it’s possible to lose them when changing patterns if they are not saved. If I come up with a great sound I think would be good for other songs etc I’ll save it individually to the pool and the plus drive and tag it’s attributes.

Thanks - That is extremely helpful.

BTW: That “Paralyzed” track is killer.

Thanks! Im glad you dig it. working on some new stuff now.

Happy to help!