
Trying to play some longish samples (over a few seconds) and just getting clicks constantly, even with a slight amount of attack to fade the sound in. Not cool.

you know i ran into the same thing. i had a sample that would only click when the trigs were placed in successive 16th notes. no attack or start/end manipulation would remove it. i’ll test this some more tonight and see if i can make a solid bug report.

I’ve not noticed this before so not sure if it’s a recent OS thing or the samples I’m trying to use (stems for a remix). No matter the start point and the attack settings it clicks. So far not been able to resolve it.



Did you find a solution for this?

Isn’t this a DC offset issue? If you’re changing the start and end points…

Not an ideal solution, but What about using the filter to remove it?

I have this even with the factory samples and the stuff Adam has shared.
The click seems to be in the VCA, since I can get it to click even with an empty sample slot, though less harshly.
Oddly this doesn’t happen with just the synth, which goes to the same Amp.
Only when a sample is turned on, any sample.
Even with an attack, you still get a click at each trigger.
Overdrive on the sample doesn’t make it much worse.

I’ve always had this underlying suspicion of how DC offset would be an issue with the AR vis a vis samples.
Soneone please correct me if I’m wrong.

It’s my understanding that when one creates/uses a sample they want to ensure the wave starts at 0db (or whatever…don’t know the lingo) to avoid these clicks. Why people go in to fix this issue. So far so good if one BEGIBS at the start. But if one were ultilizing different start points, for example, the issue returns as we’re in the middle if the sample and thus doing away with DC offset.

I have always kept this is mind when considering on which track to place my sample: those with which i want to start somewhere in the middle of the sample i try to place on something on which I’m using a LP filter cutoff. sometimes it works.

Maybe I’m overcomplicating things? Maybe this isn’t the machine to use longer samples? Maybe I’m full of Shit?

Sounds like it is simple enough for a quick test. Not on my current unit though :wink:
I got it with everything from single cycle waves to drum hits.
Even if the wave doesn’t start at 0, a little attack should clear that up.

The sample envelope does not re-trigger…So even if you have a slow attack, if the Hold+Decay portion of the envelope does not finish you will get clicks…you need to shorten the envelope so the envelope finishes before the next trig is fired.

I didn’t resolve this, though to be honest I’ve hardly used the RYTM since the original post. I got myself an Octatrack and have spent the time since learning that. I’ll return to the RYTM when sample / sound management is improved or sell it.

I have noticable clicks when using tracks that share a voice…
If the changes are rapid, the clicks get more prominent, specially on the toms, since they dont have so much content in the high frequencies…

the rest of the kit can cover them, but when soloed it’s not so good.

Is anyone else having these issues?

Seems like my issue was hardware related. Switched out the unit today and don’t have the issue with the samples.
To confirm any issues with the Amp: Load up any sample that clicks (which for me were all sample starts). Now choose an empty sample slot.
If you still hear clicks, its likely the same issue I had.

Have the same issue. Any solutions or workarounds?

The compressor can make samples click sometimes, even with fastest attack. Try turning compressor mix to zero?

Thanks for reply! Is it zero by default?

no solution; gotta live with it

Thanks for reply! Is it zero by default?[/quote]
There is no default setting I’m aware of.

I was suffering from this a lot when I first got the RYTM. I think I even posted on here about it asking if it was something wrong with my machine or an error in the OS/design. I will say at first it made me regret my purchase.

Basically how I solved it was just paying attention to the sample length and where the zero crossing in the wave form of the samples happen in relation to the duration you play the sample.

If you take a long sample, for instance a pad or atmospheric sound, and maybe the sample is 1.5 bars long in your current tempo, but you let it play for only 1 bar and then either stop or retrigger - you will likely get a click. It’s entirely because the sample drops at a non-zero crossing. Rather have the sample duration end maybe at 14 steps or 11 steps with a bit of a decay/release in the amp env and it will really smooth out the transition. If using a envelope isn’t what you want you basically have to pre-plan your samples for the tempo of the song. I often edit them in Audacity/Ableton and make the long samples line up exactly with maybe 1, 2 or 4 bars length and ensure the .aiff is zero at the start/end.

I don’t really notice clicks anymore, but I guess I also keep my ears/eyes on the little details that make the clicks.

Thanks for reply! Is it zero by default?[/quote]
There is no default setting I’m aware of.[/quote]
Everything has a default state. Hold Relevant page and press clear. Same as clearing a kit or sound but on a smaller level. The default may well be nothing for many things. iirc the default state for Mix is zero fwiw
I think a lot of the observed clicking is a normal somewhat unavoidable consequence of physics to be blunt - it’s discussed a lot on here elsewhere - the strategies to mitigate it are envelopes and cross fading or filtering - but some of the complaints originate from a poor grasp of what’s actually happening. There’s no doubt though that some gear irons out the tendency to click better than others by using these strategies, but that’s not to say all are appropriate or applicable in every other case

Thanks for reply! Is it zero by default?[/quote]
There is no default setting I’m aware of.[/quote]
Everything has a default state. Hold Relevant page and press clear. Same as clearing a kit or sound but on a smaller level. The default may well be nothing for many things. iirc the default state for Mix is zero fwiw
I think a lot of the observed clicking is a normal somewhat unavoidable consequence of physics to be blunt - it’s discussed a lot on here elsewhere - the strategies to mitigate it are envelopes and cross fading or filtering - but some of the complaints originate from a poor grasp of what’s actually happening. There’s no doubt though that some gear irons out the tendency to click better than others by using these strategies, but that’s not to say all are appropriate or applicable in every other case[/quote]
The clicking is a result of the design of the machine plus the way people use it, I don’t think its inevitable, especially since Rytm has its own sequencer, which could in theory do an automatic fast fade of the VCA before retriggering a sample. Rytm doesn’t work like that though, the envelopes are legato, attack adds onto the release, so any discontinuities between the last sample and the first make a click.
Another factor even when VCA starts closed, is poorly edited samples or waveforms, and another is the lack of look ahead on the compressor, which always lets a small transient through when it kicks in, making any clicks more noticeable with sparser material.
It could also be that the VCA opens a tiny bit after the sample starts, which could cause clicking at attack=0 if you have no air at the beginning of the your sample.

Single cycle samples seem clickiest to me, probably because they have no silence at all at the beginning of a cycle, for most waves, so you can hear the VCA open