So i accidentally hit function and clear. Everything has vanished. Is there any way i can get my track back?! Bloody annoying
You have to press the same combination straight away.
Feel sorry for you, bro
Yes, you have to do it straight away, because the buffer is continuosly updated…
if you have Saved the Project, you can Revert to Saved (doing first a Project copy backup also); then you can get back to the Pattern at the state it was when you Saved the Project.
If you’re lucky, then Pattern -more or less- gets back!
I know it is a common f]#[ing hell…but you should probably want to have a copy of the pattern ready to be rescued in case of any disaster…just hit FUNCT+REC (copy) [NO grid mode] then select an empty one, paste it there, then keep doing this using this pattern as an operator-controlled buffer for saving your progression.
Octatrack is a wonderful machine, but deserves a lot of thinking or, at least, some really good instinct in organization…i do not have both…
But it remains one of my favorite piece of equipment ever!
Thanks for the tips
Thankfully 4 of the tracks were previously bounced to audio. So i have only lost 3 tracks of drums/hats/snares (which i was about to bounce too). I shall be be backing up patterns in the future for sure!
I’ve done it myself but at the time didn’t know of the “do it again to undo” thing. Now I do.
i always breathe a sigh of relief when i get that “undo” in
It took me a long time to stop making this mistake.
Rule of thumb: remember that when the REC light is off then any copy / paste / clear commands will affect the pattern so be extra careful. When REC light is on then it’s local to the selected Track.