Clear all trigger of a page - how does it work?

Quick question to all rytm users:

I am trying to delete all triggers/notes of a pattern page. Is this possible with one single command at all?

When in REC mode pressing PAGE + CLEAR only deletes the triggers of the currently selected track. However I am trying to delete the triggers of all tracks at once for the currently selected page.

Any help with this is highly appreciated. Many thanks!

Turn off REC mode and then hit PAGE + CLEAR. I think.

Perhaps this is what you are looking for:

[b][NO/RELOAD] + one (or several) of the [b][PADS] in order to erase a sequence of recorded trigs on a track
(or on several tracks) in time with the sequencer, i.e. all steps reached on the pattern playing will be erased, until

the keys are released.

I believe that is in live record mode.

or even better:

To remove the parameter locks of all tracks while LIVE RECORDING mode is active, press and hold [FUNCTION]

  • [NO/RELOAD]. Sound locks will, however, not be erased.

did you ever solve this? having the same problem here