I am very interested in getting AR, Been doing heaps of research On this and the tempest
The AR is currently winning the battle only because i already own a Mopho x4 and i don’t want too many DSI sounds in my set.
The Analog Rytm is looking pretty damn good - My question is - does anybody know if you can play more than 2 notes in chromatic mode? I’m assuming you couldn’t because chromatic mode allows you to play one voice chromatically, but you never know - Otherwise what are some other options on getting some nice chord progression sounds within the AR sequencer ?
you can dial in chord progression with some of the tracks, they have two oscillators, and if you layer them with a sample, that’s one more, which is enough for basic chords. then you can p-lock the chords in the step sequencer.
yeah i thought i could do that - i couldnt see how many oscillators one voice has anywhere in the specs!
but thats good to know still - i think Tempest wins just that one in this arguement…
what do you mean by p-lock? just free record instead of punching it in?
p-locks are an integral part of the step sequencer, you can lock values to it, the tuning of the oscilators and the sample in this instance to make chords.
dont know the system tempest has for that, but i can tell you, the possibilities are quite amazing.
and, to further answer your question, at this time, you cannot play chords chromaticly, you can use chromatic mode to play the sample and/or the synth part, and if you play them together, they are at a prelocked state. (for example 0, +4 +7 for a major chord), resulting always in a major chord… you can use aftertouch to modulate any of the parameters, so you can even play different chords, but don’t know how precise that would be…
yeah that could be pretty cool - Assigning one of the performance paramaters to the osc 2 tuning by 1 semitone to make a Minor to a Major 9or vise versa
Also definately agreeing with the call about the frustation that the programmers would have to bare, maybe an Elektron will read this post and investigate it further -(bigshot)
i spose it wouldnt be too hard to make synthesize one voiced chords - although the tempest is definately winning in that spectrum of actually having hands on easy quick control (not to mention the hands on knob control it has). but applying chords does seem do-able with this procedure
thanks heaps for the input guys! got a big decision to make over the next coupla weeks
think the scene mode would give you better control over that, since you can instantly switch to defined values, not dependent on exact amount of pressure… melody vise, it will produce a more pleasing result imho.
ohk cool - one more thing on this topic then…
do you own the machine?
do you know if it is possible to synthesise a sound in the AR then sample it inside the machine, then use it as a sample? (so the whole chord will the sound the same…)
Or, will i have to record it in a daw, then Export, etc… ?
A render-pad-to-new-sample function would be cool for sure.
hit resample, dial in length and base note, fx channel on/off, render, and machine switches to sample mode with new sample loaded. that way u could chain fx, filter, bit rate, tune, overdrive, etc or virtually get 12 AR kick drums on each pad. great for extending sound design capabilities.
I dont care too much since I can do that with a computer and manual resampling too.
dang - i think sometimes its a creativity killer having to stop what you’re doing then go and fiddle on DAW then bring it back - its all good, 2 voiced chords and pre-prepared chord samples played chromatically will have to do!
Thanks for the help everyone!
If anyone else that owns the AR and has also wished for this and found a way around it thats not mentioned here, hit me up!!
Worth mentioning that you can’t do any of these things with a Tempest either. It has a very small fixed bank of samples and you can’t upload your own. And while you can play chords on the pads, you cannot record them into the sequencer.