If I copy what Cuckoo is doing in his hour long video in the chomatic section, I get no variation i hit other sections and it is the same note. if a switch to a sample it works chromatically.
What am I missing?
If I copy what Cuckoo is doing in his hour long video in the chomatic section, I get no variation i hit other sections and it is the same note. if a switch to a sample it works chromatically.
What am I missing?
You can choose to have synth, samples or both play chromatically. Sounds like you only have samples set.
The option is probably in the sounds menu but I’m not sure without checking.
Thanks I have tried with volume up on synth and no sample and I get no chromatic… when I turn down synth and turn up sample sample plays chromatically. Your saying the is a setting?
Found it! Thanks!
No probs.