Chicago Elektron Playdate Saturday Dec. 14 Last call

Hey everyone,

I’m checking interest for a chicago elekron meet up.
I’ve been an electron user for about 3-4 years and am always curious to how others use their boxes and what techniques or tips they have to offer. Forums are great, but I find engagement around the physical device and it’s manipulator more enjoyable.

I have a small amount of space available for a small meet.
If interest exceeds capacity I’ll look for other options to accommodate a larger event.

I currently have a lot of extra time as I’m not working and recovering from an injury. I would like to arrange this fairly soon before I’m “obligated” to work and do not have as much “free” time. :slight_smile:

Please comment if interested!


Bump :alien:

Anyone here from Chicago interested in an Elektron users meet up/Jam feel free to reply here and or email me at yomatiu at g male


I live in Chicago and I’m constantly wondering if anyone else around uses Elektron gear, or electronic music gear for that matter. I’m friends with lots of musicians, but they’re mostly into traditional instruments or creating electronic music on the computer (not that there’s anything wrong with that…). I’m generally interested. What did you have in mind?

Hey jo(seph),

Thanks for responding!

I’m looking to connect with other electron-users and exchange ideas around how they use their instruments in live environment that would hopefully foster some collaboration or jamming.

At the very least we can sit around and drink beer and talk about what we like to do with the boxes and make some noise.

My background is in teaching and I’m happy to structure content if theres enough interest, but I feel an open forum/hangout is more appropriate.

I own an OT and an A4.

I would encourage attendees to bring their instruments.

I can host it at my place if its not too large of a group, otherwise I will arrange a bar to host it or something.

Im in chicago and would totally meet up. I have an MD, A4, and my OT arrives Monday!


I"m thinking this would probably happen somewhere in between

Dec. 4-21st.

Hey Ma-chew,

I apologize for the delayed reply – I’m not very diligent about checking this.

I’m still interested. I have an MD and an A4, and I just picked up an OT. As anyone with an OT might imagine, I’m all-ears with regards to tips. I’m still trying to wrap my head around this sucker, at this point.

Did you have a weekday vs weekend preference? Do you have a neighborhood in mind? I live in Lincoln Square, but I’d be willing to venture out if the timing was right. Let me know.

Hey Jo(seph) and anyone else interested in joining.

Since the group is small just 3 of us at the moment I can host it at my place.
(i’m not very mobile at the moment recovering from a broken foot/ankle)

I’m located in Logan Square near Fullerton and Kimball.

I’m available weekdays (wed-fri) or Saturdays.

I was thinking Sat the 14th or 21st would be good for those who have mon-fri 9-5s.

You’re welcome and encouraged to bring your gear and or CF cards or Sysex files for the A4.

I’m not always the most diligent in checking posts either so if you’d like you can text me @ Three 1 Two- Six 0 Seven,4 Six 8 Four :+1:

Lets shoot for the 14th and if everyone has a good time we can always arrange another meet up!


Saturday the 14th. 2pm-8ish

BYOG (bring your own gear or CF cards/Sysex files)

message me or text me for address.

three 1. two, 6 Zer0 7 Four 6 Eight 4.

oh and BYOB cause I’m a broke ass right now other wise I would supply!


If you have space for one more, I’ll c’mon down with my OT and raise hell with y’all for a few hours.

Ma-chew, thanks for the details. I will try and swing by as well. Now to decide which Elektron box to bring…

Well its looks like we’ll have a few OT’s and an A4 already. I’d recommend monomachine since its the only one I haven’t touched besides the sid station.

Sure - I’ve been neglecting the Monomachine lately so I’ll bring that along too. It’ll be fun to dig back into it again, I actually like it’s sequencer better than the A4, which is what gets all my love these days.

Bringing a set of Elektron posters to share as door prizes for the brave snow travelers. :rage: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage:

Awesome! Way cool of you!
not necessary but definitely appreciated! :+1:
Getting excited guys!
Hasta Mañana!

Excellent meet-up fellas. We probably compressed three months of forum talk into as many hours. Really great to hear about everyone’s workflow.

This is that sample pack we looked through. Percussion and layering tools that work with many genres.

Thanks again ma-chew for making it happen. :+1:

You guys are causing me to consider doing this for PDX.
Cool thread to observe

Too bad I missed this. I just saw this thread today. I live in Lakeview and use Elekton gear. MD, OT, MNM, A4. I’d be interested in meeting up another time. I’m playing a show at the empty bottle tomorrow night with some other Chicago electronic artists. I’ll be bringing my octatrack, a nord lead, and some analogue stuff.

Thanks guys for coming by and contributing!

I’m still processing everything we discussed!

Allerian it was really great to hear your work flow and your approach to the one minute beat battles! Thanks again for sharing your sweet stash of Monomachine posters! They are going to look great hanging in my music room!

I definetely would encourage other to host similar meets and often as I too found it very rewarding to spitball ideas and get inspiration from other users in person.

This will certainly not be the last I organize or host.

Stay tuned after the new A4 OS drops.