I wonder if this is one of the companies investigated by BBC Watchdog in the UK?
Their tactics smack of either antisocial-criminal enterprise or they are bullying someone associated with Elektron Users and now Elektronauts. Perhaps some Elektron user was dumb enough to buy a kitchen? Or complain about them?
Yeah I’d really love to see the numbers on this method of advertizing. Has anyone ever once contacted someone about an advertisement (not counting gear, obviously)?
It MUST be someone with an agenda harassing Elektron.
if you google the linked url you can see it is targeting all sorts of different sites, so i doubt it is personal, that’s three today (at least) and it’ll get very tedious soon - can’t there be some blocks placed or check the ip address of the spammer
this thread should be deleted too, don’t you think, at least change the title !!
Use a simple question like “what is 100 time 0.5” as captcha instead of the current checkboxes (I am a spam-bot/I am human). “The name of the forum without the company name”, or similar. This reduced the amount of spambots registering to zero on another forum where I am admin.