chatGPT..the revolution!?

Hi everyone ,

For a few days I have been experimenting with the enormous potential of chatGPT, and out of curiosity I started asking some rather banal questions on how to structure a track on the digitakt, I had excellent feedback even with slightly more “technical” requests

Starting from the most simplistic ones, here are some examples:

What effects can I use to generate a kick for a techno track?


The Digitakt is a sampler and drum machine from Elektron that allows you to sample sounds and manipulate them to create a wide range of effects and sounds for your tracks. Here’s how you can use the Digitakt to generate some of the effects mentioned for a techno kick:

Summary of the kick:

Use the Digitakt to sample or create a basic kick sound. You can sample an existing kick or create your own sound using the Digitakt’s internal synthesis.

Load the basic kick onto one of the Digitakt’s tracks and consider adding sound layers. You can sample additional sounds, such as noises or tones, on other tracks and layer them over the main kick.
Sound Processing:

The Digitakt offers built-in effects such as distortion, filter, compression and equalization. You can use these effects to manipulate the kick sound. For example, you can add some distortion to make it more aggressive, adjust the EQ to balance the frequencies, or use the filter to shape the sound.
Tone Layering:

Load additional sounds onto separate tracks and adjust the volume and envelope of each sound to create additional tones that layer over the main kick.
FX Processing:

Use the Digitakt’s built-in reverb effect to add a small amount of reverb to the kick and create space and depth.

The Digitakt also offers a delay effect that you can use to create delayed reverb or echo effects.


Use the Digitakt’s sequencer to adjust the rhythm of the kick and create variations within the track. You can create different rhythm patterns for different points of your techno track.

If you want to sample external sounds, you can use the Digitakt’s audio input to record sounds in real time and then manipulate them further.
Remember to experiment with the parameters and effects available in the Digitakt to get the sound you want. The Digitakt offers many options for manipulating sounds and can be a powerful machine for creating drum sounds for your techno music.

HAVE FUN :dizzy_face:


18 posts were merged into an existing topic: OpenAI - ChatGPT: what a surprise